
Song Kul - Pearl among the mountains

E phatlaladitšwe: 07.07.2017

Finally, we headed to Song Kul - a mountain lake - at an altitude of 3016 m. Here, the Kyrgyz shepherds graze their large herds in the summer.

We start from Naryn, with a full tank and thanks to CBT, we know which road is currently passable. Due to a closed bridge, we have to leave the main road much earlier and then drive on unpaved roads. Eventually, our Google Maps realizes that we have left the route. We start to wander around, asking in villages, only to find out that the road has been newly built here and reliably leads us towards Song Kul - what a waste of fuel. Finally, we start the climb and to reach the lake, we have to overcome the mountains first, which is quite adventurous because the unpaved road winds its way up hairpin bends. There are water channels here and there, carrying the snowmelt downstream, and in some places the road is washed out, but overall it is still quite passable. And then, for the patience of the ascent, we are finally rewarded - in front of us stretches the beautiful mountain lake with many green meadows around it and many yurt camps. The snow-covered peaks beautifully enclose the lake - the weather is completely on our side!

We decide on a nearby yurt camp with a big swing and a volleyball field! We are warmly welcomed by a young girl and a woman. They show us a very spacious yurt, with four beds and a stove for the cold night. There are two pit toilets and a banja, where you can wash yourself, and of course there are children, many horses, sheep, goats, and cows. We are thrilled!

As soon as we settle into our yurt, our neighbors come by - a Dutch couple exploring this wonderful country by bicycle. We find it crazy to have cycled up here. But they have even more plans - Pamir Mountains, Iran...

We chat nicely and then enjoy a delicious Plov for dinner!

Before that, I play volleyball with my son and a local boy, and I soon realize how thin the air is - the altitude should not be underestimated!

Once our stove is lit, our yurt becomes comfortably warm and we all fall asleep happily, excited for the next day in this secluded paradise - because here, there is no Wi-Fi, no phone network - only nature, a few people, and many animals!


Dipego tša maeto Kyrgyzstan