Karos kleine große Weltreise
Karos kleine große Weltreise

31st December/1st January

E phatlaladitšwe: 01.01.2018

Happy New Year to all of you!  😊 I hope you all had a good start to the new year, that you are doing well, and that you never stop holding on to your wishes and dreams! How did you spend your New Year's Eve?

12/31/2017: Actually, my New Year's Eve was very relaxed, some might even say boring 😄🙈 While the Sairee Beach was the ultimate party location after sunset, I bought myself a cola and cookies after a long beach walk with a sunset and then curled up in my room (literally!). There I either flipped through my PADI dive logbook to prepare for today, or watched Netflix. But don't worry, I went out again for the countdown and the fireworks! 😄

01/01/2018: this morning I didn't miss the opportunity to sleep in peace. My jet lag is slowly subsiding and I can finally relax completely. At 2 o'clock the Scuba Review course started. Scuba diving refers to diving with a breathing apparatus, and the review course was a refresher of my diving certificate, which I started in Germany in 2013 and completed in Pulau We in Indonesia. Going diving was one of the few but important goals for my trip, so it was clear to me from the beginning that I definitely need a refresher of my diving knowledge. I took the refresher course with a German couple from Munich (Germans are everywhere! 😄), Maya and Leo, both five years older than me and super nice. Divers are often great and exciting people anyway, so it doesn't matter if they are German, hihi. 😊 We still spoke English with each other, as our diving instructor's name is Sven Holländer. So I do get to speak a little English after all.

Oh, what can I say. Those of you who have been diving can imagine how nice it felt to be underwater again. Unfortunately, we were still in the pool today, but that was just right for the refresher, as we repeated all the exercises from the Open Water course (the first PADI diving course). This includes, for example, completely removing and putting on your diving mask underwater. We also practiced buoyancy again and it was really nice to realize that despite the four and a half years that have passed since my last dive, there was still a lot of routine and knowledge. By the way, this is what I look like after a dive:

😊 😊 😊

I am soooo happy !!! At this point, I can only emphasize how infinitely grateful I am to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Whether financially or with good wishes, tips, and recommendations. I love you all very much !!!

Tomorrow my second diving course, the Advanced Open Water Diver, starts. The course lasts for two days in total, you learn a bit of theory again and have to complete various dives. The first two are a Deep-Dive, a dive where I will dive up to 30m deep, and a Navigation-Dive, a dive where you dive with a compass. I am particularly excited about the Deep-Dive, as some divers cannot tolerate the depth so well. The feeling down there in the depths is often compared to being drunk, which should of course be avoided in the best case scenario. 😄 I will report!

I hope the year continues as it started! 😊 I hope you also had a nice first day of the year?

I had promised a few photos from the resort, here they come:


Dipego tša maeto Thailand