
Short but Sweet

E phatlaladitšwe: 24.03.2018

Mumbai - Goa - COCHI - Delhi - Rishikesh

We could not have imagined that a single day could be so enlightening on our way to Kerala.

We owe the extremely intense short time in the port city of Cochi one hundred percent to our companions whom we met through Couchsurfing. The three guys, Akheel, Tanseer, and Seben, not only showed us the hidden sides of the city, which is shaped by colonization (Portugal, Netherlands, England) like hardly any other, but they also taught us two things:

Hospitality and Gratitude.

Even before our arrival, Akheel tried very hard to find accommodation for us because it is often difficult to accommodate guests in large Indian families, which is the actual principle of Couchsurfing. When we arrived at the train station, he and Tanseer picked us up by car and drove us to our hostel, only to introduce us to the culinary specialties of Kerala and invite us for ice cream right after. During every subsequent meal together (except the farewell dinner), Emely was unable to convince Akheel that it was our turn to pay. Even a 500 rupee butterfly that she had painstakingly crafted was rejected with the words, "You are our, I don't like butterflies!"

The selflessness with which the three friends guided us and invited us, even though they themselves long to travel the world, especially Europe, and every rupee counts, left a lasting impression on us and a deep feeling of gratitude. Gratitude for having the privilege of being born in Germany and traveling the world with a passport that opens almost every door. Gratitude for being citizens of the European Union, whose currency is so strong that we can explore a country as large as India so intensively, like few Indians can. Gratitude for the unconditional support from our families. For young Indians like Akheel, Tanseer, and Seben, it is extremely difficult to convince their families that traveling has great value.

But more than anything else, we feel grateful for being able to meet such amazing people who already feel like lifelong friends after just one day. And so, we sincerely hope that the guys can muster the patience and strength that is demanded from less privileged people than us all over the world. Because there is nothing we would rather do than return the favor and welcome the three into our home.

Karabo (3)

Euer heutiger Bericht hat mich sehr berührt und die von Euch empfundene Dankbarkeit für Eure Lebenssituation und wie ihr sie ausdrückt, macht mich stolz auf Euch. Wir haben Euch sehr lieb und wir wünschen Euch weiterhin alles Glück der Welt.

Diktat von Deiner Oma: Auch mich hat Euer Bericht sehr angerührt und ich freue mich mit Euch, dass Ihr diese Möglichkeiten, die Welt mit eigenen Augen zu erkunden, offensichtlich in vollen Zügen genießt. Wunderbar, solche Menschen kennen zu lernen.

Ich bin durch Zufall auf euren Blog gestoßen, was bei dieser Seite ja zum Glück leicht ist. Ich dachte, ich stöbere einfach mal durch andere Reiseblogs und so fand ich euren. Ich selber war schon einmal in Tansania und kann nur ähnliche Dankbarkeit berichten. Ich finde es schön, dass nicht nur mir, mit einer noch ganz anderen Kultur, dieses Gefühl hochkam. Reisen eröffnet einem die Welt, andere Gedankenmuster und so vieles mehr. Ich wünsche euch bei weiteren Reisen noch ganz viel Spaß und hoffe jetzt, obwohl ich euch und die drei Jungs nicht kenne, dass ihr es schafft, Ihnen ebenfalls mal die Möglichkeit zu eröffnen zu reisen.

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