Thailandtour 31.12.2021-28.01.2022
Thailandtour 31.12.2021-28.01.2022

4th Day - We leave Phetchabun

E phatlaladitšwe: 04.01.2022

Today we have a typical Thai breakfast with papaya, jackfruit, bananas, tangerines, fried black rice, sticky rice, eggplant soup, and coconut milk. At 11:30 a.m., we are ready to travel. We take some travel provisions and small gifts from mom. Od is our driver for the next 14 days - I already feel a little sorry for him - it will be exhausting for him with the 3 of us girls. And off we go to Phetchabun. After a stop for drinks and lunch, we continue to Khao Kho. There we will look for accommodation and finally find something suitable after visiting several resorts. A holiday home in the Gru Resort. It's a bit cooler here because we are at about 1100 meters above sea level. We sit on the terrace and finish the evening with water and beer. Kori is hungry again and orders chicken with rice and fried egg for herself and Od. The crickets chirp - there are very few tourists here, so it is really pleasant to stay at this accommodation. Tomorrow we will visit the waterfall, a temple, and the elephant resort.


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