

E phatlaladitšwe: 29.07.2021

Dear travel diary

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The night was short because the alarm clock rang at 5:30 a.m. And this because we couldn't find a taxi that could drop us off at the heliport at 8:30 a.m. So we had no choice but to take the bus and allow for more time.

Before sunrise, we walked to the bus stop and patiently waited for our bus. It arrived about ten minutes late and we got on.

Since we will also go home by bus, we wanted to buy a day pass for five dollars each. So one by one, we put the two bills in the slot when we got on the bus and requested a day pass. The bus driver, who was not the friendliest, just told us to take a seat.

During the whole journey, we wondered when we would get the tickets or if we can't solve this in Kauai on the bus itself, like in Oahu.

Eventually, I went to the driver and asked him when we would receive these tickets. He then said in broken English that we had put too much money in and there were no day passes. His statement made me a little angry, as it was written everywhere: 'Difference Daypass and Monthpass'. So there must be such a thing. And we won't pay again on the next bus just because we have to transfer because there is no direct line.

It turned out that you can only buy such day passes at the bus office and not on the bus itself, and apparently you have to pay the price again for every bus transfer.

So we paid ten dollars for this bus, which only took us to Lihue and not to the airport, instead of four dollars.

In Lihue, where we had to transfer, at least our bus arrived on time and before we got on, I was fortunately able to exchange some money with other passengers so that we have the right notes/coins for the return trip.

When we arrived at the airport, we first waited a few minutes on a bench, as the meeting point was not until 8:30 a.m. at Blue Hawaiian.

Timely, like Swiss clockwork, we arrived at the helicopter company's building. For registration, we had to step on the scale one by one and provide our measurements. As soon as this was done, the lady informed us that they currently have a flight ban due to the weather. So we don't know for sure if we can actually fly today or not. If not, we can cancel the flight and get a full refund, or reschedule the flight and we have to go individually.

A shocker. We had been looking forward to this day for so long to take a helicopter tour of Kauai as a conclusion, and now it might be canceled due to the weather.

So we waited in the lobby and were soon asked to watch the safety video. But this was not yet a sign of redemption. Nevertheless, we watched it attentively to know how to act in an emergency situation.

When the video was finally finished, we received confirmation for the flight. Hallelujah! The staff called the pilot's name, ours, and our seat number, before we were given our life jackets. So I had to remember 'Chelsy and seat number 4'.

With the yellow bag around our hips, we walked out onto the field and lined up on the painted numbers on the ground. A short photo session with everyone in front of the helicopter and into the cabin.

The helicopter had seven seats, including the pilot, and mine was at the back right by the window. A perfect spot to fully enjoy the view.

Once we were strapped in and equipped with headsets, we soon took off. The propellers fluttered harder and the helicopter shook more and more. Suddenly it said 'Takeoff' and we gained momentum to take off.

First, we flew over a private valley, which apparently originally belonged to King Kamehameha. Then to the Manawaiopuna Falls, better known as the Jurassic Park Falls. Over the many beautiful green and now also gray/red mountains, we reached the Waimea Canyon, where each mountain has its own name. But as a whole, it's just called Waimea Canyon. It was nice to see this canyon from above today and even fly into it a bit.

Always fitting to the place where we were, we heard music and Chelsy told us various things, which made the flight even more impressive. When we reached the canyon, we probably reached the highlight of the tour, the Na Pali Coast. Wow, I think that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I can hardly describe how beautiful it looked and was, I was speechless during the whole flight. Even a day after the flight, I still don't know what to say. The pictures and videos speak for themselves here.

Along the Na Pali Coast, we reached Hanalei and flew back to the island's interior to Kawaikini, the volcano which Kauai owes its existence to. The Wai'ale'ale area, which surrounds the volcano, is one of the rainiest areas in the world. So you can see small and large waterfalls flowing along the rock wall everywhere.

At the crater, we turned around and flew back to Lihue and the landing site. The magic was over, and it felt like we had only been immersed in a picture book for five minutes. Time literally flew by, and yet it stood still in that moment when we were in the air. It felt to me as if we were invincible and free as birds.

Back in reality, we had to return the life jackets and could watch the video and pictures taken during the flight. After that, we went back to the bus stop and waited for the bus that took us home with a transfer.

Since we have to transfer again, we only had to pay one dollar for this ride. We don't know if this always applies or only for the airport bus. However, on the next bus, we had to pay the full price again and froze insanely in this bus.

When we arrived home, we first cooked something to eat for ourselves, as we were already starving, and then I recovered from this short night, the unique experience, and the motion sickness tablets that made me quite tired with a nap.

We spent the rest of the day lying around and doing nothing. Only after dinner did I go for a walk outside and enjoyed the evening atmosphere.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We spent most of today again by the pool. After breakfast and lunch, we enjoyed the still beautiful and sometimes almost too hot weather. It's great for my book, which is being devoured. In the pool, I tried to do a little workout and trained my upper arms and abs, but it didn't work out so well.

For dinner, we had another round of gnocchi, which we are now almost tired of.

We ended the evening with a Prison Break series marathon.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Today is similar to yesterday except that we are slowly reaching the limits of our food supplies. Since we don't want to leave or throw away any leftovers, we don't go shopping anymore and create something edible from what is still available.

In the morning, I also washed a few clothes by hand so that I can take them home somewhat fresh.

The workout from yesterday made itself felt through muscle soreness. A sign that I finally have to start exercising regularly again at home.

At the pool, we happened to see Drake and his family briefly, who flew in yesterday. He then said that we will still be able to see the desired sunset on the beach after we told him during his storming that we still wanted to see one last sunset on the beach.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

After breakfast, I started packing. There wasn't much to pack since I left most of it in the suitcase upon arrival. The big packing will probably be tomorrow at the host family.

I also sorted out the already overdue broken or worn-out clothes in the morning and had to say goodbye to them.

The pool session in the afternoon was short and cozy. I took my nap and tried not to see Drake. On the other hand, he probably didn't want to see us either, as he didn't make any attempt to greet us. We probably frightened him, but we didn't care.

After a quick shower, I had to dispose of my beloved bikini before it became completely see-through. Also, my On shoes, which accompanied me on every hike in Hawaii.

In the evening, we walked to a restaurant so that we wouldn't spend our last evening together in the room. We waited hungry in front of the entrance of B's Kitchen restaurant at 5:20 p.m.

We only got a table at the kitchen counter at 6:00 p.m. We watched the chefs attentively while they were working and became increasingly hungry. Oh, this place is really mean when you're starving.

Suddenly, a man walked past me who looked familiar. I recognized Dwayne, our savior on the first day in Kauai. What a coincidence that we see him again. We would have liked to say hello to him, but he was accompanied by a woman and we didn't want to disturb them. So we ate our tomato mozzarella salad and burger unnoticed.

There was no room for dessert despite the impending starvation, so we walked back home during the sunset.


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