
Family Day

E phatlaladitšwe: 07.05.2017

Slowly but surely, I am getting used to the time change and the altitude.

After waking up and going for a two-hour hike in the mountains of Quito without breakfast, I felt a bit sick with a headache and nausea. But after a nourishing lunch at home and an extended 'siesta', I was back in good shape. In the evening, Leo, his mother, and I visited the Panecillo, and then we had some chocolate and a small Ecuadorian dish in La Ronda.

Yesterday, Leo and I went to the south of Quito to watch a concert by Dario in a school. The reason for this concert was Family Day. Unfortunately, he and his colleague Jonni only played for 15 minutes during which Leo and I sold their CDs.

I met Dario's wife, Stefanie, and his sister-in-law. We spent the afternoon playing music and laughing at their house.

Santiago's daughter, Sisary, was also there. Six years ago, I carried the little girl on my shoulders and took care of her while the brothers were on stage. Beautiful memories fill my thoughts, and I must say I am very happy to be able to live with the Vega Cocha family.

My studies are also very useful here, as many people ask for my advice, and I am delighted to take the time to explain to them what I can. It is quite interesting to read medical reports and look at X-rays when you can barely communicate, but I'm getting there ;)

Today will be my last day in Quito for now, so I will cook for the family tonight and then leave for Ibarra tomorrow morning to probably start my internship there. In Ibarra, I will be staying with Andrea, a psychology professor whom I met on a bus trip back then.

