
Same, same but different

Publisert: 29.05.2017

Our everyday life as a travel mom in Asia.

In the mornings, the little one is usually awake before me, babbling away. I get up and open our bungalow door, enjoying the fresh morning air. I quickly go to the bathroom, change diapers, and crawl back into bed.

The view, surrounded by greenery. Butterflies dancing in front of my balcony. Bird sounds and motorcycles passing by below.

Yes, I take my time. Because having a little human being next to me is quite a miracle.

While the Thais are already out and about early, even though most shops don't open until between 9am and 10am. There's no real siesta life here either. They just do it however they feel like it.

After that, I roll out of bed onto the floor and do my sun salutations. After a morning walk, breastfeeding, and a

Buddha bowl (organic, fresh food for body and soul. Who can resist that) for lunch, we take a sweet siesta.

I sort the clothes that need to be washed and prepare the bottle for filling with water.

In town, I can fill a washing machine for 20B and simply hang the clothes at home to dry.

For water, there's the 'osmosis', where you put money in and fill your bottle with water. Well, you probably shouldn't throw too much money in, because the bottle fills up in no time and the water doesn't stop.

In the evening, after dinner, I put the little one to bed and study for my training, write for the blog, and start looking for summer jobs in Switzerland.

I answer a few more emails and then fall tired into bed.

Somehow every day is the same and yet so different.

I never know what will happen the next day, who we will meet, where we will eat, what we will eat, what I will exactly do.

Every day is an adventure in itself.

Svar (2)

Dein Tagesablauf hört sich so alltäglich und doch so schön an. Ich finde es toll, wie du das beschreibst :-) Seit ihr nur zu zweit? Und darf ich fragen wie es dazu kam, dass du in Thailand gelandet bist? (Ich habe deine anderen Beiträge noch nicht gelesen, also verzeih mir, wenn ich was frage, was du bereits nieder geschrieben hast) Sonnige Grüße aus Lissabon :-)

Hallo, wie schön von Lissabon grüsse zu bekommen. Ja wir sind zu zweit unterwegs. Ja gute Frage, warum Thailand. Jedenfalls war ich hier schon letztes Jahr und es war damals schon abgemacht dass ich wieder kommen würde (als ich noch nicht wusste, dass ich schwanger bin :D). Jedenfalls dachte ich mir dann, dass dieser Ort sich sehr gut eignet um eine verlängerte Mutterschaftszeit zu verbringen. Und auch Freunde hier sind. Also hab ich Thailand direkt gebucht. Ganz liebe Nacht-Grüsse aus pai.
