
From surfing, eating, and enjoying

Publisert: 09.04.2019

Now the first few days have already passed.

I am slowly starting to settle in. The heat is still overwhelming, as is the weather. Usually, there are only a few clouds in the sky.

Now I also know where to get the best samosas ('one samosa a day, keeps the stress away' or something?), how to convince the Tuk Tuk drivers to only pay 200 Rp instead of 300, and now I also know where and how to find the individual spots.

The conversations with your roommates and the other guests from the camp are getting deeper and deeper. I love listening to the stories of various travelers, exchanging the same experiences, and learning more and more from others. How and why my Indian roommate immigrated to Dubai, how a Dutch woman was annoyed by her job and eventually quit, gave up her apartment and set off - just like me - and how the Uruguayan pilot, living in Taiwan, uses every free minute to surf. And suddenly you are among like-minded people. No matter what job, origin, or experience, life and surfing count!

After having a not-so-good start to surfing on Saturday - we were at a beach break with strong winds and scorching midday heat (?!?!) - we went to the Coconut spot on Sunday morning.

What a dream. Surrounded by a beautiful sandy beach lined with palms, you paddle out into a turquoise dream. In addition to wonderful waves, you may also see the occasional turtle. Because this beach is known for its variety of marine turtles. Definitely worth a visit for non-surfers too.

After the morning session, all guests and staff of The Surfer surf camp gathered for a boat tour. Here you could enjoy not only the beautiful ride around Mirissa but also savor the occasional cocktail alongside party music. What a great night!!!

Finally, dinner and more drinks were served on the beach in Mirissa. So the party continued.

Since everyone was aware that the hangover would follow the next morning, all sessions were moved to the afternoon.

The first day at Fishermen's. A good distance to paddle, but definitely a successful surf!

Instead of resting in the evening, I promised my roommates to go to the beach with them so they could catch a few small waves.

It's fascinating to see how people shine when they catch their first wave.

I was allowed to capture the moment with a camera and give some advice. With radiant faces but tired and hungry, we went to dinner.

Even if you think, oh, didn't she want to rest first? Well, I do spend a few minutes in the hammock, but the current heat drives me more towards the water.

The surf continues...

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Schön geschrieben macht Spaß Gruß Baba 💕💕💕

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