
Day 19: Yulara - Kings Canyon

Gepubliceerd: 29.06.2020

July 10, 2018

And the alarm clock rings early again today. However, not until 7 o'clock, because we don't want to drive to the sunrise today.

The moon can still be seen early in the morning

After breakfast, we pack our suitcases, load up the Jeep, and check out.

Off to Kings Canyon

Today's program is called: Kings Canyon! According to Google Maps, we now have a 300 km long journey through the Outback ahead of us. The estimated travel time for this distance is over 4 hours. We still don't know if that will be accurate. We will only find out the next day that the estimated travel times on Google Maps can be way off.

We leave the parking lot at about 8 o'clock and leave the Outback Pioneer Lodge. Although the accommodation had more of a youth hostel charm - with dead bugs in the curtains and dirt in the air vents - it still had a certain charm, considering that we are in the middle of nowhere. So, it suited the Outback.

The weather is similar to yesterday. Cold in the morning, but the sky is blue and it promises to be a sunny and warm day.

Outback - and I always thought the Outback was 'red'!?

We travel along Lasseter Hwy towards Alice Springs and pass Mount Connor, which is often mistaken for Uluru by many tourists because it looks very similar.
Shortly afterwards, we turn onto Luritja Road towards Kings Canyon.

Mount Connor - looks very similar to Uluru.....

We reach the Kings Canyon parking lot around 11:15 am (we are 45 minutes faster than Google Maps calculated) and take a look at the signs and routes. We have already decided at home that we want to hike the Rim Trail. It's not an easy path, but it's the most beautiful in terms of scenery. We have plenty of time - no need to rush. Great!

The 6km long trail starts with a very steep ascent on natural stone stairs, each of them different in height, and sometimes we even have to climb over small rocks. The kids are excited and climb ahead. Wow, I wish I still had that kind of stamina! The husband and I take it a bit slower.

Kings Canyon Rim Trail - Going steep uphill

I count 729 steps, then the first ascent is done. Phew, my heart is pounding and it's already quite warm. It's only 22 degrees Celsius, but it's windless and the sun is intense - perfect weather for hiking! It doesn't need to get any hotter. I can't imagine how people can endure these hardships at +30 degrees and above.

Kings Canyon

Once we reach the top, we walk partly along the gorge, but also cross-country on the plateau. The view is amazing!

The parking lot is somewhere down there
Kings Canyon
We also find stone cairns here
After a few photo stops and a leisurely lunch break, we reach the end of the accessible plateau and I am shocked to find that there is no bridge to the other side, but countless stairs leading down into the gorge. And those who climb down into the gorge have to climb up the same way on the other side to reach the plateau on the other side of the canyon. Ohh, I didn't realize that...

The kids are excited - it's going downhill to the 'Garden of Eden'. But we skip the detour all the way down to the Garden of Eden. The promised water hole, which invites you to swim, has almost no water, so we go straight back up on the other side using the stairs.

One of the bridges

I lost count... I think I've taken more than 2000 steps today - I should have activated the pedometer...
The way up is now exhausting us. Since we're still tired from yesterday's tour, we take it easy. It's only 12:30 pm when we reach the plateau, so we're not under time pressure.

We continue along the rim. Here too, we are rewarded with impressive views. It's just amazing up here!

Stairs going up
On the edge
Kings Canyon - looks like chocolate blocks
Kings Canyon
The hike towards the parking lot and the descent now essentially run by themselves. We are all amazed by Kings Canyon and really glad we dared to hike up. It was 100% worth it!

We complete the entire trail in a relaxed manner in about 3.5 hours and treat ourselves to a cold drink from the cooler box and sandwiches at the parking lot. There are now quite a few tourist buses arriving. We don't know if the tourists will still attempt the climb.

Our next accommodation will be anything but a luxury hostel. I have booked a shared room in the Kings Canyon Resort - but not in the hotel area, but in the "Lodge" next to the campground. The price difference between a shared room in the Lodge and a double room in the hotel resort was an unbelievable €380 for one night - I didn't have to think long.

The Lodge is located near the canyon. Our room is in a building right on the edge of the field overlooking Kings Canyon.

Kings Canyon Lodge - Budget Room
Our room
Terrace with a view
Kings Canyon

In front of the room, a small curious parrot is hopping around in the sand, pecking at some grains or seeds.

We find the place very idyllic. For us, it's like camping, just in a room instead of a camper van. On the other side of the building, we find the wash house with showers, toilets, and sinks. We spot warning signs everywhere saying "Beware of Dingos" and the request "Don't feed Dingos".

Ohh - tonight, I better not let the junior go to the toilet alone here.
The room is simple, the resort advertises the Lodge as a "backpacker accommodation". We have reserved a 5-bed room just for ourselves. There is a sink and a small refrigerator, a double bed, and 3 single beds. At first glance, everything looks clean. I try to ignore the 3 harmless daddy longlegs spiders on the ceiling and let the husband have the bed near the spiders. The kids even give names to the creepy crawlies - if they want to....

We enjoy the last rays of sunshine with camping chairs at the edge of the field and watch the sunset.

Kings Canyon in the evening light from our terrace

As soon as the sun disappears, it gets quite cold again. The air conditioning in our room is set to heating mode. Here in the Lodge, there is a large hall with live music, many tables and benches, a BBQ, and alternatively, pizza in the bar area next door.

Today, we decide to have pizza. Good choice! It's much quicker than the BBQ, and the hall is packed! We enjoy the pizza and soon after, we fall into bed, exhausted.

The day was more exhausting than expected.

Thekla, Günther, and Franz, our 3 long-legged lodgers on the ceiling, fortunately don't move an inch and leave us alone tonight - this is my personal agreement with the spiders.

I won't harm you, you won't harm me!
I don't like spiders.......

For the record:
Hotel: Kings Canyon Resort
Cost: €90 / night in a shared room in the Lodge (without meals)
Distance traveled: 312 km
Animal sightings: small parrots, birds, daddy longlegs spiders
Weather: sunny, up to 22 degrees Celsius
Conclusion: Exhausting, but absolutely worthwhile: the Kings Canyon Rim Trail!


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