3rd Day, 23.07.2016 Vancouver - sunny

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 20.08.2016

After a restless sleep, we got up around 8:00 am and had a wonderful breakfast in our hosts' cozy kitchen, with fresh blueberries, yogurt, crunchy muesli, and banana bread. Well-nourished, we were ready to explore the city. After a 10-minute walk along Commercial Drive, we reached the SkyTrain, which took us downtown. The ride took about 15 minutes. We got off at Canada Place and asked for maps at the tourist information. There was an artisan market at Canada Place and the girls spent their first vacation money there. The Canadians we met here were very open and friendly. We also admired the seaplane take-offs and headed west to Robson Street with its many shops. Continuing west, we arrived at English Bay, where we took a water taxi to Granville Island. This was supposed to be one of the highlights of the city because there is a large market with many local specialties and street performers. Unfortunately, it was so crowded that we couldn't see or admire much. We were practically pushed through🙁. It was probably because we were there on a Saturday and it was vacation time. In any case, I was disappointed. So, after a quick snack, we headed back and walked north along English Bay. There we came to a festival area where the Celebration of Light was going to be shown in the evening. There was already a lot going on, for example, the band The bear, the lion and the fox was playing and creating a good atmosphere. Unfortunately, due to the jet lag, we were not fit enough to watch the light show in the evening, so we headed back towards Commercial Drive. When we arrived home, we freshened up and strolled along the lively Commercial Drive in the evening and ate at the Italian restaurant. Then it was time for bedtime.



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