
12.5.19 Fish swims, birds fly and Maxi onst

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 12.05.2019

Fish swims, birds fly, Maxi onst

This is a true and well-known proverb. Today I geonst again and what can I say, it just feels good. First, thoroughly dedicating some time to taking care of your own body with personal hygiene on a small stool. The nice thing is that grooming products are provided by the onsen team and you are welcome to use them. Shampoo, grooming products, and other facial and body care products are always included in the price. And the best part is that the Japanese here are relaxed. No frantic running around, no smartphones, occasionally a book, but lots of laughter and relaxed smiles. It immediately rubs off on you when you pour the plastic tubs filled with hot water from the onsen bath over your head. Then you first step into a mild onsen ad (37 degrees) and cool off in a 10-degree pool. Take a break, read something, have a conversation, and then start increasing the temperature, first 38 degrees, then cold pool, then 40 degrees, cold pool. Breaks or saunas. I also love eating in the onsens, as the food is usually very good and relatively inexpensive. I can recommend the kiwi smoothies, my discovery. Always freshly made for 3 euros and prepared right in front of your eyes by the chef. After that, we went to the Osaka Aquarium. And then you're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, watching hammerhead sharks, stingrays, and giant whale sharks in the largest tank I have ever seen. They all swim past you, you can put your hand on the tank, and then a manta ray nudges it with its fin. You feel weightless yourself and even after more than two hours, I can't look away. You keep discovering new things. Stingrays chasing each other through the water, and a giant stingray giving birth to little stingrays. The beauty of creation is amazing. I'm speechless.

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Was für ein Leben! Was für ein Urlaub! Da verursachst du hier in Deutschland eine ganze Menge Neid. Dir weiterhin so coole Erfahrungen und schöne Aspekte des Lebens! Genieß die Zeit in Japan, die du noch da bist.


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