Door 24: One small step...

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 24.12.2019

“Is it Christmas yet?!”

We want to thank you for your interested reading, commenting, and sending messages. Every feedback has made us very happy, and then the next post went up quickly from the queue :) I can only hope that you continue to be just as interested in the commonalities and peculiarities of this fascinating, flourishing, and sometimes frustrating country! Our stay and the hospitality have shown us: stay open to the world, and it will be open to you as well (exceptions confirm the rule😄)

As a conclusion, we have a collection of curious pictures that we couldn't include in the posts. We wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We are now going on a (hopefully well-deserved) blog vacation and a China trip from Shanghai to Chengdu, Lijiang, and Kunming with our friends who arrived today😘Have fun, we will hear from each other again soon!

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Euer Adventskalender war eine ganz tolle Idee. Wir haben ihn mit viel Freude gelesen und uns immer auf den nächsten Tag gefreut. Jetzt erstmal viel Spaß in eurem Urlaub! Die Waderner warten gespannt auf die nächsten Geschichten.


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