Snow and 30 degrees :)

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 30.01.2018

It was supposed to start around 9 o'clock... In the mountains... the second to last place before leaving this beautiful country. But it turned out that our bus had to be repaired first and the spare part was not available in Queenstown. So we had to wait for 2 1/2 hours before we could start. Because of the delay, we unfortunately had some time pressure, which made the rest of the day a bit stressful.

Nevertheless, we were able to stop briefly at Lake Pukaki and admire the beautiful panoramic view (including Mt Cook) together with the turquoise water of the lake. Then I had some luck in misfortune again ^^ Unfortunately, I couldn't do my planned 35-minute helicopter flight, but there was still a spot available for the 20-minute flight :D. Being small, I was allowed to sit in front with the pilot, which made it even better. There really is no better landscape for a first helicopter flight than this one :) About halfway through the flight, we landed on a small snowfield, which was so surreal, as it was 30 degrees outside the whole time and still 20 degrees there.

After that, I was taken to my hostel, where luckily I was still able to join the Hooker Valley Track. It was already 5 pm, but as rain and even a storm are forecasted from tomorrow onwards, I wanted to make the most of the last sunny day. The path was not difficult, but all the more beautiful. Breathtaking mountain scenery, one suspension bridge after another, and in the end, you arrived at the glacier lake with a few small icebergs floating on it. Simply magical :)

At night, I wanted to admire the starry sky, but unfortunately, the incredibly bright full moon spoiled my plans. But it was still beautiful. Right now, I am trying to capture the sunrise... however, the first rain clouds are moving in... let's see who's faster ;)


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