Tag 82: the sea on the right, the mountains on the left

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 28.05.2018

The plan for today was quite simple: drive a long stretch along the coast towards the north.

So we packed our motorcycles and started off. The route first led us back to the peninsula and then continued along the mainland coast. We made great progress today: no visits to the mechanic, great roads, and moderate traffic. On the way, we took a short lunch break and another short coffee break in the afternoon. The road sometimes ran directly along the coast, and in the inland, we could always see the mountains.

We reached our hostel after 216 km already at four o'clock. It was recommended to us in Cambodia by a Dutchman. We put our stuff in our bungalow and made sure to quickly get to the sea for a swim. After so many kilometers on the motorcycle, the sea felt really good. Afterwards, we played Frisbee with the others from the hostel and enjoyed the evening. The people here were open-minded and more on our wavelength than the night before. So we spontaneously decided to stay another night...


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