Tag 164: In Iceland, the sun can really shine.

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 18.08.2018

After a not too cold night in the car, I continued driving in the morning at around six o'clock. After another 3 hours of driving on this very rough off-road track, I reached a slightly better road. The average speed doubled from around 20 km/h to 40 km/h. The road ended right at a huge glacier, which belongs to the Lang Glacier Massif. There, I walked around on the glacier for a while and then continued on my way to three waterfalls. One of them came directly from a wall made of lava stone.

After that, the journey continued to the largest lava cave in Iceland. Here, you could climb down through a small entrance and hike about 1.5 km through a 5-meter-high tunnel to another exit. Luckily, I had my flashlight with me, because it was pitch dark, of course. This was the last natural spectacle that I had chosen for my tour, because now I made my way back to Reykjavik on many side roads. But this was anything but boring. The drive passed by two fjords and countless mountains. As if to show me that Iceland is not just rain and fog, the sun even came out. When I arrived in Reykjavik, I explored the very cozy city and treated myself to a very overpriced soft ice cream. In order to not have to drive too far tomorrow morning, I made my way to the airport at around 10 PM and found a secluded place to spend the night there. But before I could go to sleep, I had to pack my backpack for my trip one last time...


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