The car is ready and we're leaving

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 08.10.2018

In the past week and a half, Niklas and I have been working alternately as the Filipino Josilito started helping on the farm. This way, the other person always had a day to continue working on the car. We needed that time because we had to take care of a mattress, get a camping stove, sew covers, and finish the kitchen...

And even though we made use of the time, we were still working on the car until 10 PM on the last evening. But now it's finished and we're very satisfied. See for yourself:

The next morning, we said goodbye to the family and thanked them for the nice time and the help with cutting all of our wood. We gave them a box of chocolates and a picture frame with homemade pictures of the farm. After taking one last photo together, Niklas and I headed out - first to have breakfast at 'The Wooden Farmer', a farm-themed restaurant. Now we're planning where to go next.

Niklas, me, Josilito, Lyn, Bruce, and Lance


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