The last days Down Under

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 23.11.2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Gianna once again didn't understand and made fun of my quite lengthy cold. 😡The question of whether I still have any last words before I kick the bucket is quite valid. After all, we're talking about a man cold and not just a little cold!!! The constant wind is taking a toll on my delicate immune system.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Nevertheless, we're happy to finally have our own toilet again and not have to walk 150 steps to the toilet on every campsite (yes, Gianna counted). We should appreciate the little things! I would say the two biggest things we've learned are the little things and karma. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), life is so ephemeral and all we have left are photos and memories. That's why we try to enjoy every moment and appreciate the little things. That also includes a little bit of minimalism, as we could do with half of our backpack. At least for me, that's the case 😜!

Bondai Beach

Also, karma. Everything happens for a reason. There has always been a solution or an explanation for every little problem we've had. The meaning might only become clear later, but it always came. Except for my man flu, I don't understand the meaning 😱.

Sydney Bondai Beach

Our flight to Sydney was very short and went smoothly! I even had a brief feeling of being comfortable in an airplane.. Meanwhile, Gianna was chatted up by an older gentleman, from whom she and other passengers received a small koala as a gift at the end.

Our hotel, as always, was in a Lebanese neighborhood, very noisy and loud at night 😂. I wonder how we always manage to end up in such strange places.. Surely, it's a question of price, but it's very difficult to find a reasonably affordable accommodation in Sydney.. It's also amazing how a hotel toilet can be constantly dirty or have a toilet seat covered in shit for 3 days. Lovely.. 💩💩

Bondai Beach

Now we're just an hour away from the city center by public transport, but it's not that bad because if there's one thing we have enough of, it's time!

We enjoyed Sydney very much and explored it mainly with the Hop-on Hop-off bus. These are open buses that stop at certain tourist spots. With our ticket, we could ride for 24 hours and get on and off anywhere. Sydney has about 5.5 million inhabitants and is unimaginably huge.

Our motto

We wandered around more or less in the city center and explored everything. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, you can find numerous shops, cafes, or restaurants in every big city. We mostly eat in the big food courts. Just like in Singapore, almost every shopping center in Sydney has a whole floor dedicated to different types of food. I particularly liked Indian food and Gianna even tried a wrap!

Doesn't look like it, but it was delicious 😜

Ms. Berger is, surprise surprise, a huge fan of sweets. Her biggest concern at the moment is Fiji. What if we can't buy chocolate bars anywhere there!! So, our provisions, well, let's just say they were stocked up quite heavily. 😃

You can see everywhere that Australia is or was a British colony. Oxford Street or the Liverpool station make us doubt our geographical knowledge. Of course, the weather was also British and it rained at times. On the 2nd day, we even had a sandstorm visit us and the ever-present wind almost blew us away.

Sydney Opera House

Giving up was also Gianna's Dürüm. After we sat down by the water to eat, Tschanna could only enjoy the first bite. Attacked by seagulls, she quickly ran away. I mean, really attacked, they were sitting on her food 😅! After the 2nd seagull attack, it was enough, as there were about 20 seagulls surrounding poor Gianna 😬.

Sydney was probably the most beautiful city in the world for us 🌍! Quite busy, but very worthwhile. Currently, we're waiting for our flight to the South Seas 🏝. Of course, it's delayed by 2 hours, but oh well, soon we'll be in paradise. Actually, we're always on our journey, anyway 😎.

Anyone need a kangaroo fur?

Since we're concluding Australia today and will only spend another day in Sydney after the Fiji Islands, I made a video again. This time, it's about our first part in Australia, from the north to Broome!

Click here:

Enjoy ☀️😃


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