Abschluss in Christchurch, Strand und Entspannung

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 10.11.2019

After celebrating our 20 days on the motorcycle and the 4044.4km with a dinner last night, we are a bit helpless this morning without bikes. Something is missing and actually we could continue driving ;)

But it's also good like this, we have our heads full of impressions and they need to be processed first, that takes time.

We use the time for extensive walks on the beach here and listen to the waves of the Pacific. Collected a few more shells and very important, quickly attached an I+O ❤️ 2019 LoveLock here on a rock in the Pacific Ocean, 18000 kilometers from home at the other end of the world, and threw the keys into the waves.

Now let's pack all the motorcycle clothes back into the suitcases, flights are checked in, hanging out a bit in our B&B with a beach view, and tomorrow morning we'll head to the airport.


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