
Last boring blog

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 13.11.2016

Hello dear ones,

how nice that you are looking at this post again, even though the one before and now it will be very short again.

As you know, I am currently in the exam phase. I have already completed two out of four exams - hopefully successfully.

Tomorrow (Mon. 14.11) I have another one and on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. I will take the last one *Yay*

My week after the exam is already fully booked, as I have to say goodbye to a few dear people and we will all do something together.

By the way, this week my first Koala picture was created: ;-)


And this week I went to eat Persian.

I will soon have experienced all nationalities :D

There is not much spectacular to tell for this week.

It is possible that my next blog entry will only come in 2 weeks. Because I will be on the road over the next weekend and the following week and I don't think I will have time for it.



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