Safari, Safari

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 23.09.2022

Today was an exciting day: Land safari in the morning, water safari in the afternoon. We saw so much. Did you know that you can determine the gender of a Nile crocodile by the 'stripes' on its shell? 'Our' crocodile was a lady - her stripes were clearly visible. A 2-3 tonne hippopotamus can run at a speed of 35km on land and is responsible for the most deaths caused by animals in Botswana/Namibia. A 5 tonne elephant can run up to 42km/hour. And, and, and. As you can see, we are thrilled. But see for yourself....

ဖြေ (1)

Wow!!! Das sind ja tolle Bilder! Unglaublich, dass ihr schon so viele Tiere gesehen habt! 😍

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