
In the middle of nowhere...

Diterbitkan: 01.02.2017

On our third and final day in Dubai, we had something special planned: a desert safari!

However, the start was a bit chaotic as we were woken up from our room nearly an hour before the agreed time and were therefore unprepared. After a quick makeup session in the car and with the help of mirrored sunglasses, we were able to resolve this issue. After picking up 4 other people, we headed towards Oman and into the desert. Just before the Oman border, we stopped at a resort where we could spend an hour quad biking, but we decided not to as it would have been an additional cost. After that, we finally left the highway and went straight into the desert. After the initial excitement and some safety information and rules from the guide (who clearly loves his car), we started racing and drifting with the jeep through the desert - over sand dunes and down cliffs! We then took a short break for photos at the perfect sunset timing.

After a short time, we continued our adventure as we had much more to do! Through the desert - but this time fortunately or unfortunately (opinions differ :P) a bit calmer - we arrived at a camp where a large stage was set up in the center. Surrounding it were plenty of cushions with tables, as we were also treated to a grand buffet. *-* But before that, we could enjoy the wide range of activities and have some fun. We rode a camel for the first time! And we even got tattoos... (sorry, Mom!). After everyone had their fun and we danced to the music for a while, the lights dimmed and the shows began. First, there was a fire show, followed by Ahmed the legendary spinner, and finally crowned by a chest-shaking dancer... it was certainly very entertaining ;)

In the end, we had a buffet and barbecue, and because everything looked so delicious, we loaded up our plates! But that wasn't our best idea... after a short time, it turned out that the food wasn't so tasty (to put it mildly...). But it was worth a try ;)

Then it was time to go home, especially because we wanted to get to bed early as we had to wake up at 6:30 am the next day to get to the airport on time... However, that didn't go so well and we deeply regretted not getting enough sleep the next morning!

Overall, everything went well! The flight was long but relaxing, and now we have arrived in Sydney, tired but happy, and excited to see what we will discover in the next few days! :)

P.S. For everyone who had a mini heart attack: the tattoo was only semi-permanent... it will come off! ;)

P.P.S. Follow us on our YouTube channel to see everything live and in color! :))

Jawab (4)

Kann mir gut vorstellen, wem es nicht wild genug sein konnte 😃

EIN TATOOOOO???? Scherz :) - tu, was du nicht lassen kannst ...

Weiterhin viel Spaß !

Da habt ihr ja gleich zwei Länder abgehakt....gibt es eigentlich in den VAE keine richtige Wüste, so dass man nach Oman muss?

Laporan perjalanan Oman