Salam ya Amman
Salam ya Amman

Hello, Amman

Diterbitkan: 29.02.2020

The Rest

In the very last week of my time in Jordan, Carolein visited me and gave me the perfect ending to my time in Jordan. Together, we experienced the classic Jordanian highlights:

Drive to Wadi Rum to the Green Desert Camp (where I now get a regular customer discount), Jeep tour through the desert, Dabkeh dance with the camp boys in the evening, camel tour at sunrise (even though we couldn't see much of the sun, it was still beautiful). Afterwards, we continued to Petra, to Muath's Airbnb apartment. In beautiful weather, we walked on Petra's sandy paths, up to the Monastery, and enjoyed the "Best View of the World" one last time.

After a night in Petra, we returned to Amman, where we spent the only rainy day of the week in a Turkish hammam recommended by Rudaina. And it was truly beautiful and pure relaxation. We treated ourselves to massages and then went to one of my favorite restaurants in Weibdeh to eat with Lea and Clara, followed by smoking shisha at 2nd Circle in the evening.

Next day: Dead Sea. We found a spot where we could get to the beach cheaply. A kind of lifeguard showed us a nice area where we could enter the salty water and brought us the mud with which we had a full body beauty treatment. It worked out well, except for a small accidental dive by Caro (which is not so funny in the Dead Sea).

After that, we planned to go a bit further to Kerak, a city about 80km from the Dead Sea. And we realized that hitchhiking is not a problem in Jordan either: two rides later, we sat in a small local bus that took us up the mountains to Kerak, where we visited the medieval castle that sits on top of the mountain. Afterwards, we returned to Amman, where we spent one last full day.

And with everything that comes with it: one last visit to Tarabot, where I said goodbye to my sweet colleagues. Then, up to the Roman Theater one more time, then one last stroll through the market. With a heavy heart, I said goodbye to my market friends there and bought a few kilos of nuts, spices, and more. Afterwards, a little shopping tour through downtown, then up to the Citadel for sunset. In the evening, the grand finale was an Afro party in Weibdeh.

I will really miss Jordan. I will miss hearing Arabic around me all the time. Walking up and down countless colorful stairs every day, passing by colorful cafes and stores. Hearing the call to prayer five times a day and watching the flocks of pigeons, especially at sunset. I will miss the food - there were very few days when I didn't eat hummus. I will miss the rides in taxis and local buses, as well as long evenings at Manara and Arabic coffee chats (as good as possible) with the nice staff there. Above all, I will miss the kindness of the people.

I will return. To Jordan and Palestine. Someday. Insha Allah.
