
A day with rescued elephants

Diterbitkan: 28.01.2018

A day that is particularly important to us, as it was Markus' birthday. So we treated ourselves to something very special.

We went to an elephant camp where rescued elephants from "working camps" (circus, elephant riding, etc.) enjoy their well-deserved retirement. All the animals were bought to be able to live here autonomously. For this purpose, a huge area was prepared, which the animals can freely use. The project is financed, among other things, through our admission fee, which is not cheap at around 100€. However, when you consider the purchase price of at least 35,000€ to bring an animal here, it is quite appropriate. Not to mention the experience of seeing these magnificent creatures in their natural environment!

It all started with a clothes exchange, we were dressed in "camp-appropriate" clothing. To get us in the mood (and to help us get to know the elephants better), we were given a basket full of bananas. And suddenly, we became very interesting to them 😄 Nora found it all a bit overwhelming at first, and I have to admit, I was quite intimidated when these giants were right next to me, trying to get as many bananas as possible!

So, one of the elephant handlers picked up Nora and walked a few meters away. While we continued to feed them, the two went for a walk in the river 😄

Once the basket was empty, they let go of us and turned to other treats. Elephants eat for 16 hours a day! Very likable 😄

After we prepared and fed them a vitamin bomb made from bananas, sugar cane, and something undefinable, we went to the "spa area"... Elephant mud bath! Like the "dirt pigs" during Pentecost, we stood in the middle of the mud pit and rubbed the elephants from front to back.

...and then washed them off in the on-site "pool". Nora was always there, sometimes at a safe distance or in the arms of an employee. However, she was thrilled and you could tell how attentively she observed everything.

Certainly another highlight of our trip!

Jawab (2)

Das scheint tatsächlich ein toller Tag gewesen zu sein, aber bei den Dickhäutern, so lieb sie auch sein mögen, hätte ich vermutlich auch so mein gewissen Sicherheitsabstand. 😂 Ich hoffe ihr habt weiter eine tolle Zeit und freu mich immer auf neue Beiträge :-)

😘wir denken an Euch! Was ein toller Ausflug.