



SRI LANKA. - The Tear of India

SRI LANKA. - The Tear of India

Did I mention that I don't like choosing accommodations? There's too much choice and in the end, the...

Singapore 🇸🇬

I visited Singapore for the second time and booked the same accommodation again because I felt very ...

Singapore - a little Wonderland

So my dears, after a good 8 hours flight, I landed in Singapore.

The perfect last day

After saying goodbye to almost all my friends in Mount Manganui the day before, it was time for me t...

Spontaneous road trip and Christmas 🎄 🌊

So my dear ones, last weekend another completely unplanned road trip happened.

Mount Manganui ❤️

People, I am more than happy ☺️ I have everything I need and even more. As always, I approached th...

Mount Taranaki - Pouakei Crossing

So my dear ones... I spent the last few days in New Plymouth, a city on the west coast of the North...

Mein Reiseplan 🌍

Hallöchen zusammen, es kommt wieder ein Blogartikel von mir. ☺️ Allein bei der Überschrift musste ...

Viel zu viel erlebt...

Hallöchen meine Lieben!

Invercargill 2.0

The morning started with a visit to Sandy Point, near the campsite. After breakfast, we then drove t...

The Sound of Silence

Hello my dear ones!