

Diterbitkan: 12.05.2017

Yes, I got caught. Although I hoped it wouldn't happen, but if you act as stupidly as I did that night, you shouldn't be surprised.

There were five of us gathered in front of the school to go to the old town. Vista Hermosa, already familiar to me. The plan was to take a taxi. The meteorological conditions that evening ensured that my left shoe was already full of water when we crossed the first street. Very adverse conditions or to put it plainly: it was pouring rain. So we were on our way down towards Av. 6 de Diciembre. Every taxi we flagged down was already occupied. The same at the busy street below. No available taxis. So we changed the plan and went to the bus station. The covered waiting area at the Ecovia was crowded. I had to quickly sort everything out now that we were getting on the bus. Hang the backpack in the front, put the wallet in my right jacket pocket, and the phone in the left pocket. Both with zippers. And that was the decisive mistake. Publicly, in the crowded station, I showed where everything was. The zippers on the jacket, which is usually very welcome, are absolutely easy to open.

Inside the bus, the normal, immense crowding. I have to hold on with one hand. I still look at the guy standing in front of me. He looks at me too. He has his back turned sideways to me. You can't move in the crowd. At the next station, even more people squeeze in. And believe it or not, even though the bus is full, another five or six people come in at the next station. Through our door, I mean. A man dressed in white is still outside, looking for the handle inside the bus and hoisting himself in. Only now, as if he had overlooked his station, the aforementioned guy finds his way out through the compressed crowd. Actually impossible, but he manages it. With my wallet.
I only notice later, when I check my jacket pocket. The zipper is open, the bag is empty.

At first, I was upset about my fate, then I could have slapped myself and finally cursed my idiotic behavior. Because the sequence of events, although I didn't really notice it, was crystal clear to me.

In the first moment, I would have liked to turn back. Luckily, I didn't. With every minute, the anger disappeared, I recognized my mistake, and it won't happen again. I had the card blocked at the restaurant, which was quickly done online. Shit happens. I just have to learn from it. That's it!

Loss: about $40 (I've lost more money in a dumber way) and a credit card. In the wallet as well, the frequent flyer cards from Air Berlin and Flying Blue, as well as a copy of my passport. I must have another copy of my passport somewhere. With the second wallet, of course, that must not happen again. I think from now on, I will put all my money directly into my pants pocket without a wallet. We'll see.

The food was good and... I didn't pay anything! There are also advantages to being stolen from and having good friends!

Chabis! Of course, I will pay back my debts tomorrow.
