
Day 6

Diterbitkan: 20.03.2023

Goodbye, goodbye fancy hostel! We're leaving at 9:30 AM and there's already a change of plans due to the heavy rain showers yesterday (flood-like rain showers!)

The En Gedi oasis is flooded and only part of it is accessible. So we're having a relaxed day at the Dead Sea and then glamping, and on Thursday we'll explore the oasis if the water has hopefully receded. Fingers crossed!

Quick stop in Timna Valley to pick up Mrs. Paproth's hat, which decided to go on a longer hiking trip during our first visit two days ago. So we were able to discover many of the typical desert plants in green foliage or blooming, along with the many paths that the rain showers had carved through the sandy ground. A rare sight that occurs every three years when it rains!

Hero of the day: Mrs. Paproth, who is pushing through her cold and still accompanying us. 💖

Swimming in the Dead Sea at noon: Change clothes, hold your breath for a moment because it's initially cooler than expected, then lower your bottom, stretch out your back, and be pushed up by the imaginary air cushion. And just like that, the typical photos with a book in hand are possible. Or form parachute-like circles where everyone holds hands and slaps feet. Always accompanied by crackling announcements in Hebrew and English, reminding us not to swim on our stomachs and not to take any mysterious 'white showers'.

And for next time: salt crusts are extremely salty! Kim's feet can tell!

Afterwards, sunbathing extensively to form salt crusts on the skin, and for some of us, interesting sunburn patterns as well.

A few meters away, a family is smearing themselves with the black healing mud from the Dead Sea, and after an exchange of 'photo for mud remnants', Merle manages to get some remnants and together with Mieke, Paul, Sarah, and Kim, the swimming trip is expanded with a wellness session. After Mrs. Paproth bought two packs and gave them to the spa group as gifts, we can implement Frau Blau's enthusiastically conveyed advice: 'Thicker! It needs to be applied thickly!' // 'Mieke, you need to spread it on your buttocks too!' // 'Also nice on the back!'

After swimming again and showering, we meet in the shade for reflection: What has been the highlight so far? What has been a lowlight? And what wishes or fears do we have for the next few days?

There is a great consensus regarding the many beautiful experiences so far, making it difficult to choose just one. In addition to the fantastic different impressions from Jerusalem, the weather, the silence, and the encounters in and with the desert, the great group vibe is what carries and inspires everyone. Just like the conversation and exchange with our three teachers on an equal footing: it's being accompanied while discovering Israel. :)

For some, the 'German' weather, the rain, is a disappointment. Some would have liked to stay in Jerusalem for two more days to explore the city better. But for most, the trip has been without real low points so far. The only thing that could use improvement is the journey to Berlin airport, that was a bit too 'just-in-time'. 😉

Wishes range from 'I hope it continues like this', to 'I really want to stay longer', to things like 'Let's not lose track of the blog' or 'I have no fears, I'll take everything as it comes'.

Around 3 PM, we drive to the En Gedi kibbutz and the glamping site operated by the residents. Located very picturesquely on a hill, we overlook the Dead Sea and the mountains on Jordan's border and enjoy the peace, closeness to nature, and the sun. We occupy two white round tents, equipped with beds, power outlets, and air conditioning. Mrs. Blau, Mrs. Sicking, and Mrs. Paproth sleep in small wagons resembling covered wagons. But the bar, or rather the lounge area, is definitely the focal point: delicious food, cozy armchairs, and a lot of spicy air from the very relaxed neighboring table. 😁

The relaxed part of the day begins: showering, having dinner together, and taking a little walk through the kibbutz and invading the supermarket. Paul receives friendly reminders when buying a spicy sauce, if he's sure he can handle eating it, and on the way back, the group is surprised by a injured yet impressive ibex. Perfect ending for this day!


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