
Thailand's Lübeck - Ayutthaya

Diterbitkan: 04.07.2018

Thailand - Bangkok - AYUTTHAYA - Korat - Khon Kaen

Ayutthaya was once the capital of the Kingdom of Siam. Now you can only see ruins of the once very splendid city. Ayutthaya is quite easy to reach from Bangkok by minivan and is often offered as a day trip, but an overnight stay is also worthwhile. The hostel where we slept offered a 2-hour boat tour in the evening with three other temple visits. Because Ayutthaya is technically an island. We took that opportunity and during the boat trip around Ayutthaya, we felt like we were taking the boat trip in a Thai version of Lübeck. They both resemble each other in their own way.

Ayutthaya also has a very cute night market, which seems to be very popular with the locals as well.

The Historical Park - the actual main attraction - is very easy to explore on foot. You mainly walk through a huge park, as the name suggests, and can occasionally visit one ruin of the former palaces and temples up close for a small fee (20-50Bat = 0.6 - 1.5€).

Ayutthaya must have been extremely beautiful once. Just what we have seen so far was very impressive and interesting to look at. It's a pity that this city was destroyed by the Burmese in 1767.

It is important to note that even though they are ruins, women must wear long pants and shoulders must be covered.

You can also ride elephants, which you should not do as they are kept in mini cages and walk on the asphalt all the time. But you should also not stand too close to passing elephants, as this can result in being hit by the elephant's tail. Like what happened to me (Emely). My head still hurts.

A full day is enough for Ayutthaya and is definitely a must-visit during any trip to Thailand.

Now we will continue by train to Korat.

Jawab (2)

Hallo Ihr beiden. Oma und ich sind wieder einmal begeistert von den Bildern und dem Bericht. Wir freuen uns jedesmal mit Euch, weil man merkt, mit welcher Begeisterung Ihr alles Neue aufnehmt. So muss Reisen tatsächlich Horizonterweiternd wirken. Macht weiter so, und kommt bald gesund wieder nach Hause. Wir lieben Euch !!!

An solchen Orten ist die Begeisterung wirklich groß, wenn man Geschichte so nah erlebt über die man eigentlich garnicht so viel weiß! Aber man hat nach jedem mal trotzdem immer noch das Gefühl, dass der Horizont noch weiter erweitert werden kann. Aber keine Sorge, wir kommen trotzdem irgendwann wieder ins geliebte Zuhause. Wir lieben euch auch ganz doll!

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