Mein Abenteuer am anderen Ende der Welt🇳🇿
Mein Abenteuer am anderen Ende der Welt🇳🇿

Capital City Wellington

Diterbitkan: 17.12.2019

Our last day on the North Island started pretty early. After a sleepless night because we had some weird animal in the car crawling on my face the whole time, our alarm already went off at 7 am because we had to bring our car to the workshop to finally pass our MOT. In the end, we didn't leave until quarter past 8. We just couldn't get out of bed 🙈 after we brought our car to the workshop, we went to the New Zealand National Museum in pouring rain to spend the day there. But it wasn't as boring as most museums, it was really exciting. You could learn a lot about New Zealand nature and the animals. Plus, there was a lot about volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes. The best thing was an earthquake simulator that let you experience the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. After spending 5 hours at the museum, we had to quickly go shopping because I realized I need to eat something to have energy for the day 🤦🏽‍♀️ I decided to save money and only eat once a day and then something quick like an apple, banana, or toast. The cheap alternative 🤣 But that didn't work out well and I ended up buying toast and cheese to eat occasionally. Once our car was finally ready to go, we went to the terminal for the ferry to Picton. The ride was pretty boring and luckily there were hardly any waves. Dolphins even jumped next to our ship when entering and exiting the harbor 😍 We arrived in Picton at 9 pm and there were no more campsites available... so we tried our luck with hostel and motel parking lots. After an hour of searching, we finally got lucky at a pub and parked overnight in their parking lot.
