
Tag 48: Parque Tanguá + Barigui

Diterbitkan: 10.03.2017

Today it was time to meet up with Regine. Regine is a Brazilian friend and colleague of Sabrina, who moved back to her hometown of Curitiba with her also Brazilian husband Guilherme to give birth to their now four-month-old daughter Luisa. So we met with Regine and Luisa at the 'Torre Panorâmica', a 103.50 meter high telecommunications and observation tower, to start our day together. Afterwards, we went for ice cream at 'Parque Tanguá', another beautiful and impressive park in Curitiba. To conclude our private sightseeing tour, Regine showed us 'Parque Barigui'. The park is mainly used by cyclists, joggers, skaters, and all other kinds of people who move around the large reservoir here. But you can also find many dogs here, locals who come to sunbathe, or tourists who try euphorically to take photos of the Capybaras (water pigs) that are often found here. In the evening, Regine and Guilherme took us to a typical Churrascaria for southern Brazil. A Churrascaria is a restaurant where you stock up on a huge buffet with side dishes and then are served grilled, braised, and cooked meat by waiters at the table. All you can eat, of course. The waiters run around hectically like ants between the tables, trying to sell the meat. If you have difficulty saying 'no', like me, it can quickly happen that you spend an hour just eating all the plates of meat that you said 'yes' to. We had a very nice day and made full use of everything Curitiba has to offer: parks and good food.

Jawab (2)

Sehr schön geschrieben! Es hat spass gemacht euch ein bisschen von meiner Heimatstadt zu zeigen! Wir wünschen euch viel Erfolg, Spass und spannende Entdeckungen an eure grosse Abendteuer! 😉 Alles liebe Luisa&Guilherme&Regine

Danke ihr Lieben! Wir sehen uns wieder 💕

Laporan perjalanan Brazil
#worldtrip#weltreise#brasilien#curitiba#torre panorâmica#parque tanguá#parque barigui#churrascaria