In good company...

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 23.07.2019

Ok...let's not kid ourselves...most single people use Tinder or have at least downloaded it as an app...I admit...I do too...but I don't really use it anymore.

But...last night...I did. I had seen on swiping profiles that people simply wrote that they would like to go for a beer, because they are passing through or something like that. Well, I am passing through Brixen right now too. That's why I wrote that in my profile and waited to see what happens...

I started chatting with Flo. I quickly explained to him that I just want to go for a beer...what a surprise...he is also passing through and would be happy to join...30 minutes later we were sitting together in a wine bar drinking beer ;)

He is from Bavaria/ through Northern Italy just like me...only on a motorbike and had a lot to talk about...just like me, he was very extroverted, talkative and actually had no other intentions...well...I'm not quite sure...he did find me a bit nice...after all, I received some charming compliments and was also invited in the end...but in the end, we said goodbye with a warm hug, wished each other luck for the rest of the journey, and went in different directions...a nice evening and another great story that only happens when traveling alone.

Well-rested, I started this morning with a delicious breakfast of salmon and scrambled eggs in the the Plose...Brixen's local was recommended to me as a nice day trip and since they also offered mountain carts (which means downhill with a go-cart), I was already thrilled. And a little exercise couldn't hurt after all the driving...

I started by car to St. Andrä. From there, I took the train up... Up there, it was bustling...apparently THE excursion area for families and retirees in Brixen. Well. Since I was already there, I started walking...a kind of circular path...

I have never walked the Camino de Santiago...but I can barely imagine that there is nearly as much going on as on these paths...after a while of walking next to families, Chihuahuas, teens with cigarettes in their hands (and yes, I smoke myself...but I would never think of it while hiking...I even feel embarrassed at the snack station afterwards), I deviated slightly from the main path and found a nice route that also resembled a circular path...

Overwhelmed by the view of the parents have often talked about how massive these mountains are...but I was not aware that they actually tower so impressively, rocky, into the sky...that alone made me glad about the excursion...despite the crowds.

Arriving back at the mountain station, quite hot and bothered, I noticed that there was a 2-hour wait for the I decided against it, took the train back down, and lay down for a siesta in my shady hotel's really hot here in Brixen right now...I'm just having a lemon soda to cool down and later on I will take a little stroll through the doesn't make sense before that...I will have an ice cream as an aperitif (ok, and I will surely come across an Aperol Spritz as well) and then I will look for a nice restaurant for dinner...I already got a recommendation...let's see what it will be...


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