Crazy apartments

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 22.08.2018

After we were once again at the university to meet the director, we were informed that actually all the courses we wanted to take do not take place in a way that we can participate :-D

You still have to 'LOOK' :-D maybe you should do that before the internationals arrive! Okayyy but just keep calm.

Well, at least our mentor buddy is super nice - a nice girl who also offers her help with everything :-) She will attend many courses with us - once we have finally selected them :-D

After that, we were picked up by the real estate agent who wanted to show us 'fair' apartments - I can only say: NO just NO :-D

1st apartment: two rooms in an apartment that we would have shared with several . weird - people.
2. what a dump and the area, well
3. in some incredibly remote street, where you were afraid of being mugged in broad daylight
4. somewhat okay - bbbut a cleaning action would be necessary here too!!

The highlight of this day was our motorcycle ride - at some point the real estate agent (who you can't imagine as professional as German real estate agents :-D) says 'you bike?' okay, I didn't understand it at first because his English was very bad, until he pointed at Nadia and me and at the motorcycle... uuhm yeah what does he want now? That both of us ride with him? Well, that's nothing new in India - and that's exactly what he meant :-D so after the first apartment, we got on the motorcycle every time and rode to the next one - without a helmet and THREE OF US :-D well, I guess I had my Indian lifestyle moment then...

After the well, let's say not very successful day in terms of apartments - we chose a Mexican restaurant for lunch/dinner and then went back to the hotel early.

The heat - 30-35 degrees is really hard for us, plus humidity of 90% and the weather app says - Feels like 40 degrees... definitely too much for our European bodies and we fall into bed dead tired in the evenings.


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