
I couldn't have wished for a better start...

Објавено: 05.08.2016

After about 17 hours of travel time, I arrived safely in Ölmstad, Sweden, yesterday around 13:00. Jenny and Peter (who are now my hosts 😉) picked me up at the bus stop and gave me a warm welcome! They immediately told me everything there is to know about the place, the farm, the family, etc. I felt very welcome right away! 😊 Upon arriving at the farm, I also got to meet their son Erik (11) and then I was happy to be able to sleep for a while! On the train, there wasn't much opportunity for sleeping due to the light, constant changing of passengers, and a border control at 02:30...

As a result, I overslept dinner (or 'middag' as it's called here - served around 16:00) and the farm tour 🙈 Peter and Jenny let me sleep and left some food for me on the table, which I didn't touch and slept through until this morning...

Today started off very calm. When I got up at 7 o'clock, everything was still except for the crowing of the roosters. So, I decided to explore the farm a bit on my own... Around half past 8, the rest of the family was also awake. We had breakfast and (VERY IMPORTANT) coffee, and then they showed me around the farm and the daily tasks that need to be done. There are about 100 ewes, 45 lambs, 3 rams, 40 cattle, 4 horses, as well as numerous chickens, geese, and rabbits that need to be looked after every day! After the (VERY IMPORTANT) 'fika' with coffee and cake at 11 o'clock, we moved the sheep and cattle to new pastures, cleared fences with the brush cutter, etc.. Peter also proudly showed me his 75-hectare forest 😉

After 'middag', it was time for me to relax and spend time cuddling with foals, jogging, and exploring the area :D

Tomorrow, the sheep will be pre-selected for shearing - only about 60 out of the 100 will stay on the farm over the winter!

I am very excited for what is to come and more than happy to be right here :)

Одговори (2)

Schön, dass du es so gut getroffen hast. Die Fotos wirken typisch schwedisch und der kleine schwarze Pfiffi scheint dich ja auch willkommen zu heissen! Ist zwar nicht Mücke, aber besser dieser, als gar kein Hund.

Hört sich gut an und sieht toll aus👍🐰🐔🐄🐑🐺👍 macht Lust auf den "Sommer in Schweden" 😎 (Olaf würde sagen "ein Traum")

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