
Многу активности во областа (05.04.-18.04.2021)

Објавено: 24.04.2021

Back in Kristiansand

By now, Kristiansand feels like home to me and I am always excited to come back. Since there was no university trip or free time activity this time, we did a few things in the surroundings. I went geocaching in the forest behind the university for the first time with two fellow students. Once we knew what to look for, it was a lot of fun.

To exchange our experiences from the Easter holidays, we organized a campfire where each group presents a story in the form of a play, a poem, a narrative, or a video.

I wrote a poem about a hike for Sara's and my trip to Bergen:

Since cycling was planned as the activity for the next time, I bought cycling shorts. They already had their first use on our day trip. We cycled 60 kilometers in sunny weather to get used to the bikes.
Our bike group
Our bike group during lunch break

Since I borrowed climbing equipment from the Friluftsliv organization in Kristiansand, I went climbing twice, trying lead climbing and route setting for the first time. It's a completely different type of climbing, but it's definitely just as much fun.

Lead climbing
Lead climbing
Since we haven't seen everything in Jegersberg yet, we hiked to Holmenkollen with two other students from our program and then walked to 'Den omvendte båt - The inverted boat'. Both places offer a beautiful view of the city.
View from Holmenkollen
Den omvendte båt - The inverted boat

During one of our weekly grocery shopping trips, I saw an employee sorting out the refrigerated section. There was already some discarded fruit in a box, so I asked Sara if she thought I could just ask if I could take it. So I simply asked what was wrong with the fruit, and the employee explained that it was going to be thrown away. I was bold enough to ask if I could instead take the fruit. Since it wasn't a problem for him and it wasn't prohibited, we now have some kiwis, mandarins, and a zucchini for free :)

In the meantime, my hat is finished and I made a bracelet.

Finished hat
Finished hat
A new bracelet
A new bracelet

Together with Debby (a good friend), we tried to make gnocchi from scratch. Unfortunately, it didn't work out this time, so we'll have to try again.

We went on a hike in the neighboring municipality of Vennesla. The hike was about 4 kilometers in one direction on the former and only log slide in Norway. The wooden jetty looked really beautiful, but the hike got a bit boring and challenging in terms of social distancing, as the jetty is really narrow.


In the next post, I will write about another week full of activities at the university.

Until then,

Your Maike
Одговори (2)

Sitzen im verregneten Erlangen und sind sehr neidisch auf all deine spannenden Erlebnisse! Wir träumen auch schon von unserem nächsten Urlaub und coolen Erfahrungen (...wer weiß vielleicht gehts ja nach Norwegen ;D ) Ganz viele liebe Grüße Julia und Carla

Liebe Julia und liebe Carla, vielen Dank für eure lieben Worte. Ich kann euch Norwegen wirklich nur empfehlen und vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust den St. Olavs Weg zu pilgern. Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem Norden Maike

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