BPT - Banks Peninsula Track

Објавено: 03.01.2024

Happy New Year, a little belated, but from the heart to all of you!

We are now back in Christchurch after three wonderful days of hiking. We took the bus from here to Akaroa for 2 hours and were able to leave some of our things in the hotel as we are now here for another 2 nights.

Actually the trip could be quicker, but the bus ride was very comfortable with three stops to take photos or shop. We had time throughout the day to look at the small town of Akaroa, there was even muesli in the old courtroom, which is now a museum. We were picked up in the early evening and taken to the first hut with a small bus and other hikers. The hiking trail can be accessed by a maximum of 18 people per day; it leads over private and state-owned land, which is protected. So we had most of the time together during the days and only met the other hikers at the huts in the evening. The group was very mixed, but apart from us there were no German-speaking hikers. We had our room for two nights as a couple and one night with a woman. The accommodations were very rustic, but clean and furnished with love. Once we got over the jet lag, we simply enjoyed the landscape and hiking! If you see the pictures there isn't much to add. It was also difficult for me to decide, which is why you have a lot of pictures today.

In addition to sheep and many birds, we were lucky enough to see seals, dolphins, penguins and even 2 whales from a distance. In the bay of the second hut there lives a penguin colony, the smallest penguin in the world which is very rare. BPT hikers get a free guided tour in the evening if they are interested. Of course we were there! Our two little nature hearts were very happy at the end of the hike! In addition, there are so few people in these beautiful places - brilliant! No comparison with the crowds “back then” in the High Tatras ;-). By the way, Müsli is of the opinion that if we meet one more albatross we can go home because then we have already seen everything.

Next we take a car from Christchurch to Queenstown. We have 2 days, can drive unlimited kilometers and would take 5 hours on the direct route. So we don't have to pay anything for the car and we continue traveling south. It remains exciting, but we are doing very well! :-)

Одговори (3)

Ihr Lieben, so schön, von euch zu hören, wir haben schon immer drauf gelauert, wann es einen neuen Bericht und Bilder gibt. Die Fotos sprechen wirklich für sich und sind großartig. Wir wünschen euch weiterhin tolle Eindrücke und Erlebnisse. Wir drücken euch und euch ebenfalls ein frohes neues Jahr, was ja nicht besser hätte starten können. A&A

Unglaublich schöne Bilder! Ich denke auch, da kann doch gar nicht noch mehr Schönes kommen! Und das alles in den ersten 3 Tagen. Ihr müsst ja total geflasht sein! Weiterhin eine tolle Zeit und schöne Bilder für uns! Fühlt euch umarmt!

Es gibt nichts hinzuzufügen! Einfach traumhaft! So habt ihr es euch doch gewünscht. Lasst euch umarmen. Liebste Grüße, Familie

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