

Објавено: 10.08.2023

Waking up early in the morning, looking at the sea and admiring the sky colored red by the sun, simply beautiful! I went for a morning run along a hiking trail along the sea. If you are picturing a flat beach, wrong! It was a fun uphill and downhill journey, sometimes down by the sea, then up on the cliffs high above the sea... it's also a sport ;-)

Back at the harbor, we had coffee, juice, and watermelon on the pier. A peaceful morning, the village was still asleep, a wonderfully serene atmosphere. We continued on our way, today's destination (the same as yesterday) was a campsite near Praya As Catedrais (Cathedrals Beach).

The campsite didn't want to let us in at first, saying we were too early, so we had a delicious breakfast with a view of the sea. It could have been a possible place to stay, but we slowly realized that a proper shower was necessary again. We then made our way to another place where we were immediately allowed to park.

We took our bikes from there to the famous Praya As Catedrais. Visiting the beach is only possible with a reservation, the man at the entrance told us. We could book for tomorrow. Looking at our phone, we found out that the next available day was at least two weeks away.

So we continued cycling to the next beach, it couldn't be that there are only such rock passages at one beach... It was a small cove, but we gave it a chance and walked forward. And sure enough, a longer beach opened up. The tide had reached its highest point and was gradually revealing more and more of the beach, and soon we spotted such a cave passage.

I took advantage of the tide and went bodyboarding in the waves, although they were significantly smaller than in France. Extensive personal care rounded off the day.

In the morning, I went out for a morning run again. Along the sea, there is a well-developed promenade. After a short time, I felt like I had taken a bath, thanks to the high humidity. Besides spectacular views, I also watched the surfers, a wonderful start to the day.

After breakfast, we decided to stay one more day and explore the area by bike. We went westward, and after a few kilometers, we reached Rinlo, a small fishing village that is definitely worth a visit.

After a drink, we continued to Ribadeo, which is already a small town but with a delightful bustle and chaos when entering. We parked our bikes at Plaza de Europa and finally had Churros, delicious! We strolled through the pedestrian zone, lined with restaurants and shops.

2:30 pm, time for lunch. After being too late yesterday, we wanted to experience the Spanish rhythm today. Della had Pulpo alla Plancha, and I had Raxo con Patates, both were good, although we wouldn't recommend the restaurant.

For digestion, we cycled to the lighthouse. We were lucky that the wooden ship "Atyla" was heading to the port of Ribadeo. It looked like a pirate ship, being rocked nicely by the waves on the way to the harbor entrance. I wouldn't book a trip on that ship ;-), but it was really beautiful to watch!

The return journey made us very thirsty; however, how the Spaniards can eat again in the evening remains a mystery to me!


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