
93rd Day/July 1st: San Antón - Población de Campos

Објавено: 02.07.2019

It was a really nice Sunday. We wake up at 6:45 am and have coffee together, and then we visit the exhibition at the Iglesia de Santo Domingo in Castrojeriz.

Iglesia de Santo Domingo

Next, we climb the Alto de Mostelarer at an altitude of 900m.

In San Nicolás, my friend Fabricio listens to his body and finishes his 15 km pilgrimage for the day. We have to say goodbye - we had some good days together.

San Nicolás 

Steinerne Gerichtssäule in Boadilla del Camino 

We cross the Canal de Castilla, which is 160 years old.

And finally, we reach Frómista. Of course, the Romanesque church is closed again during lunchtime, even though it is one of the impressive monuments on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.


After 31 km, I reach Población de Campos and sleep in a luxury hostel.

I still have 423 km to Santiago, a blister on my toes is painful, and I have to continue taking care of my shins due to inflammation.

Одговори (1)

Du bist großartig, so stark 💪🏼Wir zählen die Tage rückwarts bis wir uns bald sehen. Hurra! ❤️