Busan - What the future should bring

Објавено: 23.04.2023

Starbucks here, Starbucks there 🍵

Today I'm taking it easy. I already eat at 11⁰⁰ and go out in the sun. 20 degrees, but the wind with 30 to 40 km/h makes it cool like at the North Sea. Anyway, I won't do much today, after all it's my last day in Busan. I enjoy the beach and go up to Starbucks. The construction site from last night is gone, they just fixed the sidewalk for a few hours in the middle of the night.

I could also do all the remaining preparations for Seoul and Japan in my room, but it also has a certain feeling to sit in the café and look out at the beach from the second floor. And hey, I get my matcha tea. Oh boy, I'm looking forward to being showered with matcha again in Japan. 😅

I sit down and reflexively want to put my bag in a basket provided at the table. Until I remember that I'm not in Japan.

After a while, something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. An unusual car is driving on the street. Is there also a Stasi in South Korea? Much of the surveillance also leaves a voluntary impression.


When I look out, I notice two teenage girls. Good casual style. Especially the one in the yellow leggings caught my eye immediately. Without even seeing her face, I knew she had to be European, there's no doubt about it. American? No, most Americans you recognize immediately by their obesity or their poor clothing style. But why do they stand out so much? Then it suddenly dawns on me. Of course, it's the clothing. It had something lively. Something that stands out positively here. The successful attempt to stand out from the crowd, to look good with ease, and to stay true to oneself.
You can divide most people into the following categories:

Young, female: Summer dresses or 'easy girl' style

Young, male: K-Pop - light chinos or jeans, white t-shirt and black jacket. Alternatively, hoodie or shirt

Hiker: Have cleared out the complete functional clothing section of the next outdoor shop

Cyclists: The typical cyclist outfit including complete facial covering against fine dust.

Elderly, male: A mixture of young people and hikers

Elderly, female: Functional clothing and a baseball cap that could cause a complete solar eclipse.

My Lucky Charm from Kanazawa🧧

I finally have the chance to open one of my two Lucky Charms. I took this one from Kanazawa. It is said that if the statement on the Lucky Charm comes true, I should return the Lucky Charm to this temple and hang it up. Just like hundreds before me have already done.

When inserting the picture, I realize: Two things are missing by now. My mala, the necklace, broke on me in Busan. The sweater also got lost somewhere along the way. Well, it's better to travel light. 🤷‍♂️

When I open the Lucky Charm, I realize one thing: This won't be child's play and will require a certain degree of interpretation. I will consult both Google Translate and DeepL. And here again I realize: DeepL's got it.

I am aware that these are not handwritten unique pieces, but to a certain extent industrially produced. Nevertheless, I am curious to see what awaits me. I have my fate in my own hands, but it's like with tarot cards or billiards; it depends on the cues.

Part 1 - Haiku

The first part is a haiku, a poetic verse.

'Twenty-four hours, tired from work.
I am at home, fascinated by you.
I live and breathe simply.'

Part 2 - Four Areas of Life

Desires & Wishes: The good comes to you.

Waiting: I'm waiting for the right person, real and family-oriented.

Love: Becomes reality | Two people will approach each other.

Marriage: The possibility of a blitz wedding | The possibility of an electro-technical marriage

Part 3 - Events and Developments

Birth: The birth goes well for mother and child

Outcome: Problems with the heterosexuality of the spouse resolved

Illness: Good success in a treatment aimed at fundamental improvement

Part 4 - Conclusion

Court: Don't be afraid to win

Lucky direction: East-Northeast

Lucky plant: Lotus root

Lucky place: Ishikawa - Prefectural Museum of Art

Lucky flower: Rhododendron

Lucky color: Eggplant dark blue


Well, it looks like I have to get married, have a child, and solve problems with the heterosexuality of my partner in order to be allowed to bring the Lucky Charm back to Kanazawa. By the way, I could also visit my Happy Place while I'm at it.
Well, everyone should have goals in life. 😁


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