Ilha Grande

Whakaputaina: 22.12.2017

Dütsch: lueg witer unger


Hi Folks

Also a few words in a language more understandable than bernese german 😊

In the first post you find a few pictures from the arrival in rio.

The second highlight was Ilha Grande, 160km western of the city on an island, beautyful place, not yet crowded by tourists as it was used for (political) prisoners until a few years ago...

Our lodge was standing on a lonley beach outside the town called abraão, this was absolutely relaxing and the right decision after the vibrant city.

In the mornings we could hear howler monkeys 🐒, in the evenings cicadas which produce sounds up to 120 dB's (without transducers, amplifiers and batteries 😉). In-between just enjoing the great beach in front of our house 🏝.

U itz fahri no chli witer uf dütsch:

Äbä, wundervoui insle, richtig zum eifach ä chli si, scho fasch kitschig dä usblick 😉

Aues ganz zfride, dr strand gnosse, guet gässä, sunnebrand ghout etc... 😂

U när, am morge wo mir dä kutter zrügg uf ds feschtland müesstä näh fahrt äs chrützfahrtschiff id bucht, plötzläch grossi ufregig, o bi usem gastgäber, mir hei äs problem: är het keh lizänz für sis böötli um üs zum kutter ds bringe u itz wo das schiff da isch, isch o dpolizei plötzlech vor ort... ja guet am zähni müesse mir ds abraão parat si, lösige si gfragt 😂

Zum glück gits no dr Juan mit sim boot (heisst Ferrari) u de simer mit schwümmweste usgrüschtet, wo mir vorhär nid kennt hei, de doch no irgendwie uf dä stäg cho. Üse kutter het dert gwartet und üs übernes wäuigs meer ads feschtland bracht 🌊😥🙃

Whakautu (1)

Why is it, that every picture of you Patrick includes a beer ;o) It's well deserved, enjoy...

Ripoata haerenga Paratira