
Moving, practice preparation and a little vacation :)

Whakaputaina: 07.03.2019

While Michel is traveling the world, I have 2 weeks for myself, my visit from Sydney, and all the preparations for Anni Marie Physiotherapy.

Yesterday I published the Facebook page after picking up my visa at the immigration office. That was the last step and ultimately it only took us 5 weeks, which is quite impressive for 4 different offices in an "island time" country like Vanuatu :). Thanks to Vicki, we were very well prepared and she saved us a lot of work and was always available.

Besides the organization, the week went a bit turbulent while Michel was away. After asking for a move (within the rental company, as we actually signed a contract for 5 months and thought we couldn't get out of it that easily), we went directly to a smaller apartment outside of the surf beach. Due to special circumstances, the landlords helped me and took the suitcases over. With packing in the old apartment, transfer, and unpacking, 5 hours passed quickly and I was pretty exhausted. Everything was great, but there was only one key because the previous tenant took all the others. They had pointed out to me that the security door cannot be opened from the outside without a key...

Later, I tidied up, started the laundry outside, and rested. When the washing machine suddenly made a loud noise and I ran out in alarm with little clothing, it had happened. There was water everywhere, a gust of wind came, and the great security door closed. Great! There I stood without a key, money, phone, and something to wear. After a brief exchange with the housemaid, whose key I had received and whose phone battery was unfortunately empty, she took the bus to the city and looked for the landlord. After about 1 1/2 hours, they came back with a spare key. Lucky me... I could fall on our new bed and sank into a deep sleep.

That was necessary because the next day I had a visit from Trudy from Sydney. Good thing she's pretty easy going, had an air mattress with her, and the small 1-room apartment was no problem. The peace, a clean pool, and a lot of wind were worth moving:).

But don't rejoice too soon...

The first night I slept on the air mattress and rested on the sofa in the morning. After just 10 minutes on the sofa, the itching started and intensified rapidly on my back, thighs, and calves. I had little bites everywhere that caused a mega itch. We contacted the landlords (once again) and they treated the couch. We got another apartment and had a relaxing week afterwards, as I moved back into the apartment after 2 days and Trudy kept the other apartment. Convenient ;)

The rest of the week Trudy and I spent in vacation mode. We went to the coast with Vicki, kayaked from Ruth to a small island, did yoga 2 times, and otherwise painted and read in beautiful resorts. It was super nice, the weather was perfect, and time flew by.

The last few days before my flight to Sydney, there was a lot to do for the opening of my practice: ordering business cards, designing and printing posters, writing a shopping list for Sydney, promoting the Facebook page, etc.... you will get a little preview in the pictures.

You can read about what Michel did during this time in the next entry!


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