
Buenos Aires / Argentina

Whakaputaina: 05.05.2017

Day 1

Arrival in Buenos Aires. Our first adventure was the taxi ride to our apartment. With a glowing engine malfunction light, South American traffic rules, and some horn concerts, we managed to arrive safely at our destination. With suveran language skills :-), we received our subway card and went to Plaza de Mayo. Afterwards, we strolled to the new port district.

Day 2
Visit to the Recoleta district with the famous cemetery, Floralis Generica (an oversized stainless steel flower, which closes at night if the circuit works. We immediately thought of our exhaust and stainless steel expert Simon Motorsport :-)). Museum Bellas Artes, here we saw a Rembrandt, unfortunately we couldn't find the Picasso. After a short stop at Freddos ice cream parlor, we continued to the Japanese Garden, the Rosedal Park, Monument de los Espanoles, and the hectic Palza Italia. From here we took the subway home. Our tracker showed 25,000 steps and a distance of just under 18 km. That's how our feet felt too. But the first Caipirinha relieved our pain.

Day 3
Today we had to take care of the crossing to Montevideo next Wednesday. Booking the ferry or bus was easier than expected. Afterwards we checked the terminal, as you still have to complete the customs formalities in Buenos Aires. Afterwards, we made a short detour to the shopping street 'Florida' and visited the Galeria Pacifico.

Day 4
Actually, we wanted to visit Casa Rosada (Presidential Palace). Due to a reggae event at Plaza de Mayo, there were no guided tours on this Saturday. Instead, we visited the Colon Theater, the Tribunal (court), and the Congress (modeled after the Capitol in Washington).

Day 5
Sunday, today the big flea market took place in San Telmo. Since the exhibits didn't particularly appeal to us, we headed to La Boca. Unfortunately, the visit was very short due to pouring rain. By the time we arrived home, we could take a submarine ride in our sneakers.

Days 6-7
On Monday our shoes were still wet and the weather didn't get any better. Our task for the day was to get insurance for our Magirus.
The next day we had sunny weather again. We explored the Palermo neighborhood and the flea market in Colegiales. Tomorrow we will take the ferry to Uruguay. We are excited :-)

Whakautu (3)

Toller Blog!!! Kurze Texte und viele Bilder - genau richtig ;-) Wünsch euch noch ganz viel Spaß und eine tolle Zeit und bin schon gespannt auf die Ankunft von Maggi und die weiteren Berichte ;-) Passt auf euch auf. Lg Sarah

Echt schöne Bilder!!weiter so,freue mich schon darauf. Wünsche euch natürlich ganz viel Spaß auf euerer Tour!

Tolle Bilder toller Bericht . Schön so aus der Ferne dabei zu sein

Ripoata haerenga Argentina