
The journey begins (english version)

Whakaputaina: 21.06.2019

After waiting for almost a year, today (14.06.2019) the time has come, we (Naschti and Nessi) are flying to Africa! More specifically to Cape Town to pick up our vehicle from Bushlore car rental and pick up our two other teamies, Lena and Bea. The two have already spent a week in Cape Town and are just waiting for us.
At the Frankfurt airport we are still relaxed and the first flight to Istanbul is on time, we had great service and great food. Unfortunately at the airport in Istanbul we find out that our next plane has a three hour delay. Something tells me that we should not arrive in Cape Town before 4pm. Because we had actually already booked another flight to fly to Cape Town, which we canceled again, since the onward flight was canceled by the airline and we would have arrived seven hours later than we wanted. Now we are in Istanbul and wait, the airport is brand new and very large, we pick up a voucher for our catering at the counter of Turkish Airlines. And then we ask around to find a bed, which works great, because there are free rest areas with lounges. Unfortunately, these are full or with bags occupied, this reminds me immediately of a beach vacation, but these are not Germans...
After a few hours of sleep, as announced, we board the plane three hours late, which then leaves again an hour later, due to cargo problems. How could it be any different?! Anyway, that can not be changed now anyway, everything will work out. We will probably arrive last and miss the registration, as well as the dinner and the briefing which is mandatory. Our team name is already program, Master of the disaters. After all, the plane is not full and we both have two seats available.
On 15.06.2019 at 4.30pm we put foot on South African soil. Although twelve years ago that I was here last time, it looks exactly the same and I feel good again immediately. Our driver Pietress picks us up and we go to the car. And indeed, another team has landed with us and we are not the last. Arriving at the Bushlore car rental we have to cope with the paperwork and then we get a two-hour briefing for the car. Meanwhile, Lena and Bea were picked up by an Uber driver at their hostel and brought to us.
At 7pm we drive off, first refuel ... 120Liter, wow, this car is thirsty! And off we go to the first checkpoint. Juhuuu, we did it, the rally can start!
