
Haven't eaten fish for a long time.

Whakaputaina: 08.08.2019

We drove a meager 26km today! But forgive us: after 2 nights at the parking lot where there were only pit toilets and no showers, we had to become humans again. Besides, the chemical toilet is full, and the diesel and fresh water tanks need to be replenished. A bit of variety in the menu would also be nice. So, off we go, Särna is just around the corner, but it has everything the heart desires. The weather forecast was actually right this time, it poured rain. No problem, we can handle the weather by now, you have to take it as it comes. After refueling the diesel, the coop Konsum was our next stop. Salad, tomatoes, liverwurst, bread, cookies, tomato sauce and pasta, drinks and some meat for grilling. We paid 110€! Okay, but that will last us a few days. The campsite was just around the corner, how convenient. After checking in, we were free to choose our parking spot. Clearly, right here, with a view of the lake and the forest on the other side. Quickly set up the awning and built a rain gutter from an empty water bottle and duct tape, otherwise the rainwater will run down the door into the RV. Chairs out, table set up, and now let's explore the surroundings. As luck would have it, the rain subsided and we couldn't contain our joy: The campground is right on a beach (where you can surely go swimming in good weather), there is a small island with a seating area leading into the lake, the pitches are almost terraced, the sanitation building has toilets and showers, a common room with a kitchen, laundry room, and a disposal room for the latrine, there is a restaurant on site, and everything is beautifully maintained. Both the facilities and the green areas. Overall conclusion: a wonderful spot on earth.

Since it stopped raining, Robby started the drone again. It confirmed from above how beautiful the surroundings are.

And then came the idea of ​​the day: The seating area on the island practically invites me to fulfill my wish. Try Surströmming once, so that I can join in the conversation. For those of you who don't know what it is: Surströmming is a Swedish fish delicacy, which is a fermented herring in an (inflated) can, in other words, rotten fish! There are some videos on Youtube in which people open such cans and vomit from the smell alone (without tasting!). I always thought they were exaggerating, it can't be that bad. Even though some airlines ban the transport of such cans (because they could explode) or some people have gotten into extreme trouble for opening this stink in closed spaces... I wanted to try it once, I don't care. And now this opportunity arose. I quickly ran to the Konsum, bought a can and then went to the beach bench with various utensils. If it really is that bad, we are far away from people and won't bother anyone.

Cameras were positioned, can opener, bread and milk, kitchen roll and a fork were ready. André already sat far away, Robby and Calvin were braver and dared to get closer. Can opener applied... pfft... Turned the opener once and the juice sprayed in all directions! At this point, the video viewers always turned away disgusted and developed a gag reflex for the first time. My impression was, yes it does stink a little, but not nearly as bad as I thought. A bit rotten, rotten, yes, but it's bearable. Now I had to taste the flavor. We had bread with us, so I tried a fillet with bread, and all I can say is, it is extremely salty! That was actually the worst part. According to the instructions, the Swedes eat it on a kind of flatbread with sour cream, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes, with a glass of milk... I can even imagine that it tastes good. But eating it pure or just with bread was not possible to finish the can. Even Robby and Calvin tasted it, but couldn't handle more than 3 bites. So, what to do with the rest? Hey, we're by the water, there are seagulls here! Therefore, we poured the remaining part on the shore and later in the evening we found that it was completely devourd. We still had the taste in our throats for a while, but it was worth it for this experience. Anyone who turns green at Surströmming from now on is a wimp to me! Even André admitted that it's not half as bad, and that means something!!!

After the highlight of the day, we indulged in the showers, why not. For dinner, we had spaghetti bolognese with sausage meat from the hose. In general, the Swedes have a fondness for tube foods. Ground meat, raspberry or apple sauce, rice pudding, carrot puree... And they also have bacon in a tube. But we didn't test that.

We prefer to continue testing how to dry laundry best. It's still wet since yesterday's washing...

