
the flying health police

Whakaputaina: 18.07.2019

For days, we looked forward to the next exciting event of our trip: the Lumbier Gorge. Today, there is a hiking trail through the gorge, with high cliffs on both sides, but in earlier years, a railway ran through it. Only the tunnels remain as a reminder. Today, this gorge is home to about 50 pairs of vultures. In the first few meters, we didn't see any birds, but once our eyes got used to where we had to look, we saw them. They sat on small ledges or huge caves high above us, observing us. With binoculars, we saw the huge, impressively beautiful birds of the "Vulture" brand. The variety of feather colors amazed us - are the feathers black, blue, brown, or gray? With our compact camera, we tried to take pictures of them without shaking with excitement and from a great distance. Many flew over our heads from the cliff or landed elegantly in their familiar places. This world of vultures in the wild fascinated us for two days.

As a conclusion to Spain, we traveled to Espot near the d'Aigüestortes National Park. It's a familiar area for us, as we visited it 5 years ago. The hiking trails are known under the logo 'Carros de Foc', which also adorns our car. In Espot, we were visited by our two friends from Wipkingen, Isabel and Yvonne, with whom we spent two great days.

Whakautu (1)

Hallo ihr beiden Das waren schöne Tage mit euch in Espot,-fachsimpeln über Ausrüstung, wo welcher Platz im Auto noch genutzt werden kann, Geschichten austauschen...es hat Spass gemacht mit euch zu sein und in diesem Sinn bis ganz bald, herzlich Isabel & Yvonne