
Tag 1 & 2: Koglerau - Munich - Dubai - Perth

Tihchhuah a ni: 20.09.2018

Today is the day! We park our cars in Lembach in between and my sister Sabine takes us to the airport in Munich. We leave a little later than hoped, but everything is fine.

103 kg of luggage (including 12 kg of diapers and baby food) in 6 bags, a stroller, about 20 kg of hand luggage, and the 5 of us are checked in. There is no time for shopping at the airport with 3 small children - the program is toilet, changing diapers, eating...

Our flight to Dubai departs on time at 15:40. We have more space than expected because the plane is only about half full. Despite having a cold, the kids have no problems with their ears and they are very well-behaved (phones, tablets... also contribute). We spend the 3-hour layover at Dubai Airport in the climbing park, and also changing diapers and feeding. Now the kids are pretty tired and Maxima is easily agitated. That means she screams and kicks the floor of the airport in Dubai and also shows the other passengers what she's capable of on the plane. There are several families with children on both flights, so luckily our little Madame is not the only one crying (only a weak consolation for the other passengers). Unfortunately, our flight to Perth starts with a delay of about half an hour. The waiting also strains our nerves again. Once in the air, everything is fine again and all 3 sleep a lot. So the 11-hour flight from Dubai to Perth is no problem either.

We and fortunately also all our luggage land in Perth at around 6 pm local time. Despite a few hours of sleep, we are all quite exhausted. The immigration process with visas and the many questions about what we have with us also takes its time. We get some cash at the ATM and then head to the taxi stand. We are not the only family that needs a large taxi. A 4-person family from Germany also has their car seats with them and therefore even more to carry than we do. The ride to Discovery Holiday Park Perth Airport costs a whopping 45 AUD, but we are just happy to have finally arrived at our holiday destination. The key to our Cabin No. 16 is ready for us and we move into our home for the next two days. The older kids are very excited because there is a bunk bed that they absolutely want to sleep in. We take a walk and do some shopping at the gas station and make a detour to McDonald's. Falling asleep is not a problem tonight.

September 12, 2018 & September 13, 2018

Accommodation: Discovery Holiday Park Perth Airport (2-bedroom cottage for 110 euros per night; beautiful, well-maintained facility, perfect for the first few nights)

Weather: Rain in Perth
