
Lannion and 'just taking a look'

Tihchhuah a ni: 03.09.2020

Wish for today: Less movement. Market sounds good! Yesss.... that idea of the great market....unfortunately, I was so tired yesterday that I set the alarm for 8 o'clock without checking if it even takes place today. Of course, it didn't! Oh well! Find an alternative! But I didn't want to drive 2 hours again for 'any' destination, and it was quite convenient that there was a market in Lannion (15 minutes drive) today. So, pack my backpack, put the Teewurst in the car, and off we go!

In Lannion, we managed to find a free parking space with some searching time, which was relatively close to the market (probably every parking space is close to the market considering the size of the city). So, off we go!

On the way to the market. They can grow plants here...

No postcard-blue sky today

Just guess how fast you can drive. The important thing is that it looks good...

The city is known for its old (leaning) houses.

The market winds its way up the city.

A rather calm street

All sorts of local products are offered, as well as curious things (mostly also regional specialties). You can find Spanish paella right next to fresh oysters or the couscous stand right next to Breton salami.



French pork knuckle

Even more pork
All freshly caught...

Our first destination was breakfast. At that time, the French are already sitting outside and enjoying their cider/Kir Breton (cider + blackcurrant liqueur)...For breakfast, we wanted to have a real 'Far Breton' (Breton prune pudding cake). Since there was no seating available, we ate it on the steps of an entrance.

Far Breton

Unfortunately, at some point, the door was opened, and we were practically kicked onto the street by a huge package of wine. The Frenchman behind the package hadn't seen us. But he didn't mind...always these tourists...we continued at the market.

Tomatoes in all colors

Artichokes like painted...

Salami for happy hour

The bird looks slightly sad...

We then visited the market halls in Lannion. Here, you can also find fresh fish, lobster, snails, crabs, etc.

What I didn't realize was that ALL the animals were still alive. So, a crab didn't find it funny to be touched by me and immediately retaliated. As a result, I nearly jumped into the box with live lobsters next to it out of shock...well - if I were the crab, I wouldn't want to be touched by everyone...enough of living animals. From the market halls, we then explored the city a bit further. Lunchtime was approaching...good thing the market was still going. In another blog, I read about potatoes with sausage.

Found it!

It was a good match, let's take it! When we arrived at the stand, the father and daughter were very enthusiastic about the Teewurst 'Austraaaaliaan dog????' Teewurst sat down...'ooooh gooooooood boy' (she hadn't seen...). Due to insufficient knowledge regarding portion size, we ordered 2 portions. During filling, a piece of bacon seemed to have disappeared under the grill...and the Teewurst spotted it immediately! So, with full enthusiasm, this 'good boy' and myself at the other end of the leash jumped under this huge cast-iron pan and couldn't be removed from there anymore. At some point, we managed to pull him back onto the street with combined efforts. We then said goodbye with a 'not a good boy and sorry'...

We both managed to eat half a portion. What to do with the rest? Wait! I have the dog poop bags with me! And just like that, dinner for today was secured!

Better than Tupperware...

Double satisfied, we headed back to the car. Some pictures on the way back:

The Teewurst has never jumped onto a car so quickly...

I wanted to take a look at a viewpoint nearby. Today, we actually took the car there for a change. Just before reaching the destination, we stopped to take photos of an old mill.

And what caught my eye on the other side of the street??? A sign that read 'GR 34'...hmm...just taking a look...or walking to the's only 1 km...uhm, to make it short:

We returned to the car 4 hours later...!

But it was the GR 34, an unknown part of the GR 34, and it was exciting again!

So, we walked through forests, dry riverbeds full of shells and oysters (ebb tide again, as always when I arrive at a river...), the typical fern paths, along gardens, etc. So, it was worth it again!


Danger? Not for the Super Teewurst

Let's continue...

Along old ruins...

Ebb tide...

Towards the sea...

Fresh oysters...we can sell them at the market...

By the way, the Teewurst used the dry riverbed to quench its thirst with the last puddles of saltwater.

Forced break before the river completely empties...

As a result, the thirst increased even more (oh wonder...). After that, we had to chase him away from every puddle and every creek. And the spray wurst didn't take long to appear...but oh well. We're used to it by now ;)

In the riverbed, we collected some beautiful shells and looked for the connection to the GR 34...


Then we went back into the forest. With stairs...

And miniature houses...

At some point, we started to doubt if we were really heading towards the mill...but after a few kilometers, fortunately, there was a sign...

We got out of the forest and passed suburban gardens....we practically emerged on the other side of the street, just 10 meters from the car! That's what I call orientation!

So, there was no chance of less movement today. But someday, the 2000 km of the GR 34 will be fully explored. There's nothing planned for tomorrow yet. The Super Teewurst (despite the danger and all that) is resting now. And we have cider with red fruits (the other food provider prefers it sweet...)


Or maybe not...

Until then!


France ram a ni
Khualzin report France ram a ni