
Door 19: Cosplay

Paskelbta: 18.12.2019

Since the internet let us down yesterday, today's post will have to last for 2 days ;)

Admittedly, cosplay is no longer exclusively a Chinese phenomenon. However, it is much more widespread among the younger generations in Asia than in Germany and we encounter it here every few days.

So what is cosplay? It's similar to a role-playing game, but in everyday life. You dress up and take on a different role. Often you can find cosplayers dressed as court ladies/gentlemen/concubines strolling through historical gardens or temples, or as fantasy gangs roaming through shopping centers. Here and there, you can find rental shops around historical neighborhoods where you can rent the sometimes grand costumes with umbrellas, wigs, and fake samurai swords for about 2 euros per day. The acting probably allows you to better internalize the aura of historical places, and for onlookers, you offer a suitable photo motif for the old garden.

The furries still appear bizarre: people dressed up as animals (usually dogs) who also frolic around like a pack of dogs. But everyone can do as they please, or as Master Klein used to say to me: "No one can forbid you that!"
