Dines & Jeff's Journey 🥰
Dines & Jeff's Journey 🥰

Barack up close

Paskelbta: 20.12.2016

After a very relaxed train journey, I arrive in Washington D.C. at half past eleven. The short distance to the hotel is by taxi. It is a sunny, beautiful day but cold. So let's go to the hotspots, they're just around the corner. It's something to simply stroll past the White House. The Washington Monument is also impressive. Otherwise, everything here is very culture-oriented. Very different from New York, less hectic and crazy. You can already tell that you are in the capital. If New York is the heart of the United States, then I would call Washington the (intellectual) brain. There are countless monuments and museums. I looked at space travel and Native Americans, not bad. The Lincoln Memorial is also impressive, it has something of a temple. After the sun disappeared and after 5 hours of walking through American culture, hungry and at least slightly frostbitten, I went to dinner at the Black Finn. A few Black Devils Backbone and a good steak and me and my feet are ready for bed.

Tomorrow morning I'll check again if I forgot a monument and then it's off to Miami with the Silver Star Train.

Finally, shorts.

stay tuned

