Aaaaand we complete the 100 km!!!!

Paskelbta: 04.07.2018

But first, let's start from the already know the procedure by now, right?

Get up, coffee, laptop, plan the route. If it's not raining by then - get ready and head to the bathroom! We only had two sections left in the nearby area, so the choice was easy.

Our route, a little longer today (got even longer...)
Our route, a little longer today (got even longer...)

The coffee that I wanted to quickly finish before the start didn't go as planned. I sat unsuspectingly and lost in thought outside on the stairs when I saw a dog running past our fence. At second glance, it turned out that the dog wasn't a dog, but a deer. (A deer???? On a public road??? By the sea? I know seahorses, but deerhorses? That's news to me....). Teewurst also realized that the dog was actually a PREY! With an erect palm tree (sorry, I can't describe his tail any other way when he gets excited...), he dashed towards the garden fence and I prayed that he wouldn't cross over. Luckily, the deer was apparently fast enough, and Teewurst calmed down relatively quickly. The asthma attack stayed away for now....

After the brief excitement, we continued on our way.

Starting point: l'Armor.


I'm about to break....

I had checked the parking lot beforehand. Once we arrived, I set the GPS (to reach the coast. After that, we usually just follow the GR34 straight). A 10-minute walk turned into 12....and 13...the internet also didn't do what it was supposed to, so eventually I had enough. I may be blonde, but if I'm getting closer to a destination, then the way shouldn't keep getting longer! So I turned around and went in the other direction, and behold - we were getting closer to the coast!

The Customs Path today passed by a kind of swamp/marshland.


The perfect playground for Teewurst. No cliffs, no sea, so Teewurst-safe.

quite strange landscape today...
quite strange landscape today...
WATER!!! (who can find the DOG?)
As soon as he was off his leash, I felt like I had dropped little Kevin in a ball paradise....and that's how Teewurst looked afterwards.

adorable, isn
adorable, isn't it???!

close nature
close nature

And so we continued on the GR34...Teewurst was actually off the leash most of the time today. Despite being near the sea (he used to be unrestrained around water and had to be brought home by the fire department multiple times). I was really proud of the sausage. (Okay, it was low tide, but there was still water....just less of it and a bit further away ;) ) As always, no one can complain about boredom or monotony here. Everything was there again....
GR 34 <3
Low tide is not very pretty...
Low tide is not very pretty...
good parking
good parking
A Paradise for Kids....
A Paradise for Kids....
The Sausage in the next swamp
The Sausage in the next swamp
Swamp, Marsh, or Dunes? A bit of everything
Swamp, Marsh, or Dunes? A bit of everything

We were getting closer to our first destination. A 3 km long sandbar (no, that was the fish, right? Sorry - the cider for dinner...anyway, 3 km of land (called Sillon de Talbert), which is very popular among tourists for hiking up and down. (Then our tour would have been really long today...we weren't very wormy this morning). You can see it on the route description. But it's enough for having coffee and that's when we took the usual reading break.

Start of the sandbar
Start of the sandbar
Yes, please?
Yes, please?

Afterwards, we continued. We still had a lot ahead of us. I actually liked the second part of the trail even more than the first. It became greener and hotter. On this part of the trail, we met an older English couple who were completely fascinated by Teewurst ('beeeeautiiiiiiful dooooooog, soooooo lovelyyyyyyyyy....come....come......'). They had been to Brittany several times. As soon as they found out that I'm German ('haha, World're's OOOOOVER'), they proudly told me that they drive a BMW (yes, sorry for you...) and an Audi (nice)....and they have friends in Freiburg (lovely cityyyyyyyy...) and so on....when we started talking about the weather, as usual, and I told them about the sunburn in the first days, they almost collapsed with laughter. (Okay, it's probably not 'red as a crab' but 'red as a lobster' - herrje...both are red shellfish from the big pond.....). Teewurst was bored by now (when adults are talking....boring) and rolled around at our feet in the grass....

The English lady took me aside and whispered in my ear (while!! pointing at her husband and Nivus) 'it's a maaaaan' I was almost rolling on the grass laughing next to Nivus....those English people!
Here are some impressions from the rest of the way:

someone forgot about Stonehenge
someone forgot about Stonehenge...

Since the herding dog was allowed to run freely today, she had to run ahead and check the situation behind every turn:
Everything's fine, come on...the coast is clear...
A bit faster would be nice, Blondie...

In between, there was even a 'spring', which Teewurst loved.

Since today's route had little uphill and downhill, and we never had to climb over rocks (at least not to the point of climbing), I was somehow not exhausted when we arrived at our planned bay, so we just kept going a little further...
Eventually, my watch told me that we should at least check how far away we were from the car....5 km...hmm.....that indicated the way back because it was already 5 pm. The way back, as usual, was uphill and along a relatively busy country road (as always). However, I took some nice pictures for the hydrangea fans in the family:
So that you always associate Teewurst with something positive ;(
So that you always associate Teewurst with something positive ;)

In the towns we had to pass through, EVERYONE had a yappy dog standing at the fence, still barking at us a km later. So it was nice to walk...especially for Teewurst. It's a miracle he wasn't hit with rotten tomatoes (by the yappy dogs)...
After a good three-quarters of an hour, we had arrived back in the starting point l'Armor....but I have to confess that a speed camera made me stop here. It had to happen at some point...those stupid speed traps here....
So we're on our way back now, and I'm looking at my phone to see how far we still have to go....and suddenly, there's a crash and I can't see anything....completely shocked, I stumble backwards and hold my head. That hurt! Well - that's how it shouldn't look at your phone while walking. Then you won't run into a speed trap! Or rather, the sign hanging above it.....
That gave me a headache...but at least we weren
That gave me a headache...but at least we weren't going too fast....

After the 16 km tour, I jumped into the shower at home and reserved a table for dinner.

When adding up the day trips afterwards, I realized: Tschakaaaaaa 110 km!!!!!! Teewurst, we did it!!!! Paw bump:

Tschakaaaaa! (The crazy look is normal...)

The dinner tonight was really, really good. An absolutely successful combination of various flavors, but unfortunately, I have to admit that I can't survive a 3-course menu in France. This was the second time where I secretly wanted to leave after the second course. But you never stop learning, and we did move enough today ;) But as I said - the food was really amazing!


A bit too much, but mostly fruit
A bit too much, but mostly fruit


And the half liter of cider on top made us walk back home with a spring in our step....

Let's see if the weather allows us to go out tomorrow....

Good night!

