
The journey continues to Bacalar

Paskelbta: 08.12.2018

One day after our trip to Sian Ka'an, we had to travel further. We spent the whole day at the pool and searched for accommodation in Bacalar on, hostelworld, airbnb, etc. But either they were fully booked, too expensive, or had bad reviews... We finally managed to book accommodation and a bus around 3 pm. After a quick meal at our regular restaurant with the best dressing I had ever eaten, the journey began... 3 hours bus ride from Tulum to the further south located Bacalar... We arrived at around 8:30 pm and it was already pitch dark. Everything felt a bit different here compared to Tulum. Maybe because we were already close to the border with Belize... hmm... The first taxi stopped and I showed him the address of the accommodation on my phone. Somehow he didn't really know where it was. We tried to communicate with him using our broken Spanish. He kept driving... okay... we had more luck with the next one. The young taxi driver even spoke English and when I asked cuantos costas? he answered 'thirtyfive'. We had never paid so little for a taxi before. We drove out of town and turned into a kind of dirt road. There he dropped us off in front of the sign with the name of the accommodation. There we stood, in the pitch dark, in front of a wooden gate locked with wire. Underneath our feet was a muddy ground soaked with rain. After calling 'Hola' multiple times, we simply opened the gate and went in. We walked along a muddy path between trees or palm trees until we saw something resembling a house. In the garden, there was a swing, benches, and dolls on the floor. A bit eerie. Suddenly, we stood by the lake. There was still no one here. Using the flashlight on our phone, we found a staircase that led upstairs. There was a locked door. I knocked on it twice: 'Hola?' After a while, a petite woman with reddish hair opened the door and greeted us kindly but also surprised. At the same time, an enormous dog with a drooping face and wrinkled skin pushed itself in front of the door, sniffed us, and started growling. Oh god. I thought he was going to eat us right away, when suddenly a small, incredibly cute puppy jumped out and wagged its tail curiously. The woman, Uve, showed us our little hut, where only the tiny bed fit, and the bathroom, which we had to go outside for. Okay... well... everything just simple... more than a bed wouldn't have fit anyway, and at least we were right by the lake. Then it started to rain. The drops splashed on the roof so loudly that we could hardly hear each other. The windows were made of wooden beams and a mosquito net. In the adjacent room, you could hear the neighbors giggling and talking. So, very noisy. After checking the room for spiders and the loud rain subsided somewhat, we could sleep relatively peacefully.
