10.10.2016 Edinburgh

Paskelbta: 10.10.2016

We had a wonderful sleep and the day greets us cold but friendly and sunny cloudy. We have a leisurely breakfast and then at 10.00 am we set off to explore the city. There is a bus right in front of the campsite that takes us quickly and easily to the city center.

In the city, we go shopping first. Not very well thought out because afterwards we have to carry our full bags with us for 7 hours, but who can resist a good deal! Both Valentina and I buy winter jackets. Valentina also buys a scarf and I buy a sweater.

Of course, as Outlander fans, we also visit Barbour. Not to buy anything (although there are many nice things, but unfortunately all far beyond our price range), but to secretly take a photo of this gentleman. It's a bit embarrassing how big of fangirls we are, but it has to be done!

Then we go to the Royal Mile. We are already so exhausted from shopping that we need a tea urgently. We go to a super quaint cafe. A real stroke of luck! We have tea and our first Scottish scones with clotted cream and jam.

So fortified, we tackle Edinburgh Castle.

It is a gigantic structure. Actually not just a castle, but a whole village on top of the rock. We buy the Historic Scotland Explorer Pass there because we also have Blackness Castle, Doune Castle, and possibly Aberdour Castle on our list. The Explorer Pass is worth it!

After the castle, we walk down the Royal Mile again and visit one 'Tartan Shop' after another. Valentina would like a Fraser scarf, but they are all sold out! You can have all the other clans, but the Frasers are nowhere to be found. Finally, after 2 hours, we find something. Still no scarf, but a plaid brooch from the Fraser Clan with the motto 'Je suis prest' on it. That's even better than the scarf, and Valentina is happy.

Afterwards, we have to stop again and have a coffee. Mama orders a Machiato, thinking she will get a latte macchiato. She is surprised when they ask "double" or "single" and even more surprised when she gets a tiny espresso. A latte macchiato is only a latte here. So now we also know that.

By now, it has actually turned 5:30 pm and we make our way back home. The return journey by bus is completely unproblematic, and we safely arrive back at the campsite. Valentina is responsible for cooking tonight and she cooks sauerkraut with potatoes and sausages. Meanwhile, Mama repairs our electric heater, which has somehow stopped working. It is now working fine again, but it makes a lot of noise and moves around the camper. But Valentina thinks we should give it a little freedom and it does heat well again. Mama has only gone out of the camper twice to check that the noise doesn't bother the neighbors.

Atsakymas (3)

*lol* Kopfkino vom freilaufenden klappernden Heizöfchen. *hihi* Ansonsten klingt der Tag turbulent, aber erfüllt... klingt nach Spaß und der sei Euch von Herzen gegönnt.... <3 PS: Wer zur Hölle sind die Fasers? ^^

Tzz, Du kennst die Frasers nicht? James Alexander Malcom Mackenzie Fraser wird in der Serie Outlander von dem obigen Rotschopf dargestellt und Valentina und ich sind Fans. Meine Mom hat keine Ahnung wovon wir reden, aber läuft brav in jeden Tartan Shop mit uns rein und zu jeder Outlander Attraction. Derer sind viele in unserer Tour!

Ihr habt ja einen Super-Tag gehabt. Toller Bericht, ich fahre weiter mit. Die Fasers kenne ich allerdings auch nicht. Lolol